Chapter 6: Affected

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"So, how many Metahumans do you think your machine made when it exploded?" Stefan asked as he watched Cisco work on the computer.

Barry and Caitlin glanced at each other then back at Stefan and his brother "We're not sure" Cisco replied.

Barry nodded, adding into what Cisco said "We're still looking for more-"

"Well that's just great" Damon groaned as he walked back in with now clean hands "You're the reason these people are now super villains and if you don't put an end to them- I'll end it myself" he smirked as he thought of something.

"Or even better, maybe Klaus will want to finish this" "Who's Klaus?" Barry asked.

Damon smirked even more "Your worst nightmare."

Stefan walked over, coming in between the two of them "That's enough Damon. You know Klaus is in New Orleans, and besides we can handle this, together" he interrupted, his voice sounded more serious than ever.

"Fine, brother" Damon groaned "It's your call" he replied.

The computer screens began to flash as Star Labs got an alert. Barry sped over to the computer "Someone got into the building" he warned.

Cisco's eyes widened "Not possible I amped up the security weeks ago, who could've got in?" He asked as he checked the security cameras.

Damon and Stefan glanced over Cisco's shoulder as he tried to resolve the problem "Is it a meta?" Stefan asked but Cisco shrugged "I don't know yet" he replied.

"Look!" Cisco pointed to the monitor, something ran by the security camera very fast, almost a blur "What is that?"

Everyone paused as they heard footsteps approaching them from the hallway nearby, the clicks of high heels bounced around as the sounds came closer "Barry-" cisco whispered "do something.."

"Im on it" Barry replied before speeding out of the room, seconds later returning with the intruder being held back by the arms.

The intruder was blonde, young and as tall as Caitlin "Caroline?" Stefan and Damon both said surprised.

"Wait-" Barry interrupted, confused "You know her?"

Stefan nodded "She's our friend- Caroline what are you doing here?"

Barry released Caroline from his grip as she rolled her eyes "Elena was worried so asked me to check up on you guys- And I kinda compelled a fellow police officer to track your phone" she replied, looking around the lab.

"This is borderline cool and creepy. What is all of this?" Caroline asked.

Barry was about to explain when Cisco pushed him out of the way, quickly walking over to Caroline "This is Star Labs.. A research facility" he explained with a bright smile on his face "I'm Cisco by the way."

"Caroline, Hi" Caitlin smiled "I'm Caitlin, excuse my colleague Cisco.. he's excessively nice" she said as she shook Carolines hand.

"Hi" Caroline replied "So are you guys like scientists or something?" She asked and they all nodded.

"Pretty much" Barry replied.

"Wow, cool!" Caroline smiled, Caitlin smiled as well, happy as usual.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking- How'd you get in here?" Cisco asked "I know security in here is pretty tight since I installed it-"

"I broke the padlock on the back door, not really high security if you ask me" she shrugged in reply.

"Dammit!" Cisco groaned.

"Wait- are you a-" "A vampire, like Stefan and Damon, yes." She replied to Barry.

"Cool" Cisco smirked "Hot vampire chick's on our team" "And hot vampire chick is gonna rip your heart out if you call me that again" Caroline warned but Stefan stepped in the way.

"They're on our side now so we're not gonna hurt anyone" he said, still remaining serious.

"Right" Caroline replied "But I'm gonna stay over here" She said while walking towards Damon, Cisco shrugged as he joked "You're missing out."

Caroline rolled her eyes and turned her attention to anything else in the room as Cisco went back to the computers to reset the alarms that Caroline set off.

Caroline turned to Stefan and Damon, looking a bit annoyed at this point "Why didn't you guys answer the phone! Elena's been freaking out all day" she snapped.

Stefan sighed, knowing he's been ignoring Elena intentionally "We were busy and besides, Elena can survive a day without Damon" he replied.

Damon smirked "I'm sure Elena's fine, we have other things to worry about" he added.

"Who's Elena?" Caitlin asked curiously.

Damon turned to her before showing her a picture of them on his phone "That's her-"

"Awe she's pretty!" Caitlin replied with a bright smile "You two look like a great couple!"

Damon smirked "Finally someone who sees it. My brother's still holding onto a grudge since I did steal his girl-" "There's no grudge, I'm fine with it" Stefan replied calmly.

"Besides, as long as she keeps you from slaughtering Mystic Falls, it's fine." He added.

"Always the selfless brother" Damon replied.

Stefan and Damon both shared a glare for a second before Barry interrupted.

"Don't wanna interrupt but we have Metas to find and vampires to stake" Barry interjected as Caroline quickly walked over.

"Wait, there's vampires here?" She asked as Barry nodded "Yeah, but we're gonna find them, right?"

"Right" Damon replied.

"But if we're gonna find them, we'll need bait-"

Everyone looked over at Caitlin and Cisco, they both shook their heads. They were always the ones to be picked for things like this.

"Nah, no way man. I am not gonna be vamp chow, nope" "Don't you trust us?" Barry asked.

"Barry, yes. Vampires who we just met, no" Cisco replied.

Caroline walked up to them "But you'll be fine, I can feed you my blood" Cisco stared in confusion at her "Why would I do that and how could that possibly help me?"

Caroline sighed, glancing at the Salvatore brothers "You guys didn't tell them much did you?" She asked but they shook their heads.

"Okay listen, vampire blood can heal humans, and if you drink it you heal quickly.. Got it?"

Cisco nodded, taking in as much information at once as possible "Yeah, gross but got it" "So how do humans turn into vampires like you?" Caitlin asked.

Both Barry and Cisco waited curiously for an answer to Caitlin's question. That's one question everyone forgot to ask in the beginning.

All three vampires shared a glance before returning their glance to Barry and his team. If they really wanted to know.

"Well you kinda have to die with vampire blood in your system in order to come back as a vampire- But it's a long story and I'm sure you won't die" Caroline smiled trying to ease the tension "Right Damon?"

"Sure why not" he replied with a smirk.

"Oh good-" Barry said sarcastically "That's not nerve wracking at all."

Stefan nodded "So are you in?"

"Yeah, we're in" Barry replied, agreeing for the others.

Cisco rubbed his temples "Great, let's get this party started."

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