Chapter 2: New Beginnings

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Second chapter, and another slow one. Trust me, it will get faster!

Kyungsoo is suddenly startled awake when he feels someone shaking him, and quietly saying his name. He lifts his head slowly from the door, only to be met with his fathers eyes as he gives him a hesitant smile.

"Kyungsoo, we're here. Why don't we go and take a look at our new house, okay?" his father asks, giving him a small smile. Kyungsoo didn't return the smile, but instead stifles a yawn, while nodding his head to show he agrees.

He looks outside of his car window to see a small grey house standing tall to his left. The house is quaint and looks distinctly city-like, with a few steps leading up to the black front door. The house looks so different compared to his previous house it takes him by surprise, making that small heart ache come back full force.

He lets out a regretful sigh as he begins to open his door. He climbs out of the car on unsteady legs, gripping the side of the door as he looks around. When he steps completely out, he stretches wide in the air, and closes the door, looking up to see his father slowly making his way to the house. He has a medium sized cardboard box in his hand which he sets beside the front door. Their family brought some basic things along with them to get them by until the moving van arrives in a few days.

Kyungsoo makes his way around to the back of the car, but not before stopping and looking around completely.

His new house is situated in a fairly urban area, and looks very different compared his previous neighborhood, what with the rest of the city visible in the area above the many multi-colored rooftops that adorn his new street.

The street stretches down a ways on a steady incline, and ends with a small forested area. Maybe a park? At least its not completely different, he thinks to himself as he observes the sky, which is beginning to take on a bright red color as the sun sets.

He quickly diverts his attention away from the sky as he reaches into the trunk of his car, and picks up a box labelled "Soo's room". He walks slowly to the house, and on the way sees his mother talking to his father, who is now by the side of the car, paperwork in his hands.

He soon reaches the door, but hesitates before he goes to take his his first few steps through the open front door. He takes a deep breath and holds it as he places his right foot past the threshold, finally letting his breath go as he steps fully inside his house, marking the start of his new life.


After his parents give him a brief tour of his new house, Kyungsoo shoulders his backpack and picks up his lone cardboard box, and begins to trek his way up the stairs to his new room. In this new house, his room is the sole bedroom upstairs, across from another small room which is going to serve as his dad's home office.

As he walks into his new room for the second time that day, he is affronted by how different it looks. He doesn't have his posters, his pictures of him and his friends, nor any of his other treasured belongings.

He sets his box down next to his new bed and sits on the side. His parents bought him a new bed and had it delivered a while ago so that it would be ready for the time before move in day, and so that they didn't have to stay in a hotel while they waited for their belongings to be driven to Seoul.

After Kyungsoo spends some time looking through his things, he makes his way to check out his new bathroom. He has his own bathroom for the first time which was mildly exciting, as he would no longer have to share with his parents. He picks up his small kit of toiletries he brought and places it on the counter before looking up and staring at his reflection in the large square mirror which adorns the white wall above the sink.

His black hair lays flat from sleeping in the car, and he has bags under his eyes from not getting enough sleep the past few nights. He lets out a small sigh, and looks down at his hands which are now laying flat on the counter top. It's then that he notices that small itching sensation in the same place that he had felt it during the car ride comeback full force.

He furrows his brow, looking down at his sweater as he itches the small patch vigorously. With every few seconds, the spot begins to itch even more, and eventually it feels like the patch of skin is burning. He reaches with his hand and pulls the left side of his black sweater down to just past his collarbone and leans closer to the mirror to inspect the itching patch of skin. He lets out a quiet gasp as he sees faint dark-grey markings forming on his collarbone, surrounded by raw red skin.

His heartbeat speeds up as he leans closer to the mirror to inspect the marking closer. The lines are faint, and not quite legible, but a mark is forming.

He is going to meet his soulmate.

With this, he begins to pace the length of the bathroom, keeping one hand on the mark as his thoughts run wild. He's completely stunned, and he can't help but wonder if he might meet his soulmate at school. What if his soulmate is a neighbor? What is he misses ever actually meeting them? Will the mark fade?

He head swims with questions as he paces. It's then that he hears his mother call his name, meaning the dinner his parents ordered has arrived. He tries to calm his heart, but to no avail. He shuts the light off in the bathroom, and makes his way out to go downstairs and join his parents for dinner.

Should he tell them? He wonders if thats the really right idea given their circumstances. They have enough to worry about, so maybe not? But what if they have some advice? His thoughts wander more as he climbs down the staircase, hand still loosely pressed against his collarbone.


Later that night, he continues to think over his newly forming soul-mark. What does this mean? Is this move actually a good idea?

He eventually decides that he has had a few too many crises today, and changes into a pair of sweatpants, getting ready for bed. When he finishes changing, he makes his way over to the bed, pulling his backpack up onto his lap as he sits on the edge.

He pulls his phone out, but runs a frustrated hand through his hair when he realizes that he doesn't have internet. He'll just have to wait until his stuff arrives.

He's looking forward to seeing if Haneul had texted him. He quickly checks his text messages, because thankfully he does have cell service, and sees that he has a few new messages. He reads Haneul's text straight away.

Haneul: ehyyyyyyy, hows ur new house???! we miss you so much penguin! remember to find a hot bf/gf, okaii???

He lets out a small laugh at Haneul's text, and quickly types a short reply. He decides that he will reply to his other friends' texts later.

Kyungsoo: Hey, it's pretty cool, but it's really different? I miss you guys too, and I'll certainly try :0

He sends the text, and then turns off his phone after making sure that his alarm is set for the following morning. He'll be starting school tomorrow, and he wants to make sure that he has enough time in the morning.

His parents decided that he would start the next day after they move in because his they don't want him to miss anymore school, probably because he has already missed the first week of the school year because of the move.

He sighs as he pulls the thin blankets up from the base of his bed, and curls up, wiling sleep to come quickly. He takes a while to fall asleep, his mind frequently going back to the newly forming mark on his collarbone. 

So, thats the second chapter. Btw, this chapter might be a bit boring, but I promise next chapter will be better.

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