Chapter 7: Ice Cream and Sunsets

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Hello, I'm back with another update! This chapter is actually the longest I've written for this fic at around 3k words! Yay! My back hurts. Oops.

Enjoy this chapter with like 2 lines of plot!

(Btw: Thank you to those who continue to comment and support me in writing this, you guys are seriously awesome! Thank you!!)

The next day at school, Kyungsoo can't help but think of Jongin and his new mark constantly. His mind goes over and over what happened and he feels acute nervousness curl in his stomach every time he even thinks of seeing the tan boy again. He tries to go about his day normally, getting to know his new classmates well, but his thoughts always go back to Jongin. 

When he goes for lunch, he notices that Chanyeol and Baekhyun are nowhere to be seen so he sits down near Jongdae and Joonmyeon to eat his lunch quietly and think over his situation. 

It's when he is sitting not really talking to Jongdae or Joonmyeon when someone notices his mood. It's a new boy he hadn't seen before. He approaches the table, giving Kyungsoo a hesitant smile, his sharp face contrasting to the expression he wears as he shoves Jongdae over, sitting down in the newly empty space to his right. 

 "Hey there... Kyungsoo, right? I'm Minseok" the sharp eyed boy greets, placing a wrapped sandwich on the table in front of himself.

 Kyungsoo returns the smile, albeit hesitantly. "Yeah, uh- thats me. It's nice to meet you, Minseok". He can't help but wonder who the boy is; he hadn't seen him the day before. Maybe he was absent?

 "Hey, while I would like to get to know you better, you kinda look like you're... not okay; are you alright?" Minseok leans in and asks him softly, brow crinkling in concern. 

 Kyungsoo swallows; was he that obvious? He needs to get a handle on himself. He can't continue like this. "-I... I'm fine, just distracted, I guess. You don't have to be concerned."

Kyungsoo says, resting his head on his hand, and giving Minseok a small embarrassed smile.

Minseok lets out a small bark of laughter.

"Yeah, alright. What has you so distracted then?" Minseok continues, obviously curious about what has Kyungsoo in such a mood. Kyungsoo wonders why the boy is so concerned about his state of mind; he's never even seen the boy before today.

"It's nothing really, I'm just got a lot on my mind" Kyungsoo says, not wanting to give too many details away. 

"Wow, this boy. Am I going to have to pull the answers out of you? Here, on this lunch table-" He makes a grand hand gesture to the whole table, almost hitting Jongdae "- We tell each other everything. We are like a family, you see. We may not know each other, but hell if I'm going to let the little newbie sit here and fester in his own bad mood" He finishes, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair, giving Kyungsoo an incredulous look.

The others sitting at the table regard them with amused looks as Minseok continues to stare at Kyungsoo. He feels a blush warm his face, and he looks away, embarrassed.

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