Chapter 10: Epilogue - Twin souls

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the epilogue! I hope you enjoy this lil cliche of a chapter <3

Kyungsoo wakes up the next morning with a feeling of bone-deep contentedness. The previous night playing in his head as he thinks of his new soulmate.

The thought kind of makes him want to scream, but he thinks his parents probably wouldn't appreciate that.

Smiling to himself, he slowly drags himself out of bed, grabbing his phone off his nightstand. Blinking the final bits of sleep from his eyes, he sees he has a few texts from Jongin, timestamped from a few minutes ago.

Unlocking his phone, he reads the messages, feeling himself smiling even wider.

Jongin: hey soo, good morning !!! hope you slept well

Jongin: did you dream about me? ;)

Jongin: wait jk thats a little bit creepy....sorry ?

Jongin: anywho, wanna walk to school today? we've still got to make our battle plan ;) ;)

Jongin: lol I should stop with the winky faces oops

Sent 6:45 AM

Jongin: sooooooo!

Jongin: oh wait its early you're probably not up yet OTL

Sent 6:55 AM

Kyungsoo laughs to himself at Jongin's odd version of a good morning text, quickly typing out a reply.

Kyungsoo: Good Morning, I did sleep well, thanks for asking :)

Kyungsoo: Should we meet by the end of the street at 7:30?

Sent 7:01 AM

Jongin's reply comes so quickly Kyungsoo wonders if he was holding his phone waiting for Kyungsoo's reply the whole time.

Jongin: yeah !! ill see you then....soulmate ;)

Sent 7:02 AM

Kyungsoo feels giddy as he reads the word 'soulmate', the change in his and Jongin's relationship not quite hitting him just yet.

Placing his phone back down on his nightstand, he goes to take a shower and get ready for school, feeling excitement settle in him.

He has a feeling it's gonna be an interesting day.


After gathering his things, and foregoing breakfast because of his desire to see Jongin, he says a quick good-bye to his parents and walks out the door and down the street.

He's soon near the end of the street, walking up to his and Jongin's standard meeting place near the beginning of the street they take to reach their school.

As soon as he gets close enough, he sees Jongin's tall form standing there, his back to Kyungsoo as he bobs his head slightly to whatever music he is playing out of his headphones, tapping his red converse clad feet to the beat.

It hits Kyungsoo how similar this picture of Jongin is to how he looked when he and Kyungsoo first met in the hallway by the principles office. He smiles to himself at the thought, walking the rest of the distance to Jongin, trying to keep out of his view so he can surprise him.

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