Chapter 5: Destiny or Something

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This chapter is finally happening. I know the previous chapters were uneventful, but stuff actually happens in this chapter! Yay!

Enjoy the chapter!

When Kyungsoo arrives with the bickering couple to his music class, he is greeted with a loud classroom with lots of unfamiliar faces sitting around as they wait for the teacher. He walks with Chanyeol and Baekhyun over to a table with, thankfully, a few familiar faces. He sees Joonmyeon, among others, sitting next to Jongdae who is scowling at another unfamiliar boy next to him.

"Luhan, if you say one more damn pun, I will actually throw you out a window" Jongdae says to the boy next to him, Luhan apparently, as Kyungsoo approaches the table they're sitting at.

"Oh Jongdae, you know I can't help it that I'm just so punny" Luhan says as he aims a sharp grin at Jongdae, who just looks angrier than before.

"That's it, you're getting defenestrated".

A loud shriek echoes around the music room.

"Jongdae, have mercy! I am but a young boy! You wouldn't hurt someone with this face!"

There's a pause. No one speaks.

"...Yes I would" Jongdae deadpans.

"Luhan, you're the oldest one here, act like it" Baekhyun mutters snidely from the side, watching with raised eyebrows as Jongdae shoves Luhan off his chair and starts to hit him with open handed slaps. Kyungsoo smiles, amused, as Jongdae finally stops hitting Luhan, leaving him shell shocked on the floor.

A few minutes pass as Kyungsoo continues to watch the class interact. Luhan eventually gets back in his chair, though he looks throughly traumatized as he sits there, brow crinkled in thought. Something tells Kyungsoo it's just an act though. He doesn't know this Luhan boy, but he can tell he's not done yet.

Suddenly, Luhan slowly starts to scoot his chair over to where to Jongdae moved. He's talking with Joonmyeon, his attention away from Luhan as Luhan creeps closer.

"H-hey Jongdae"

Jongdae sighs, pointedly not looking at Luhan.

"If mental hospitals had walking paths, they could call them psycho-paths".

A moment of quiet settles as Joonmyeon stops talking and Jongdae stares blankly in front of him.

"....I am actually going to kill you" Jongdae seethes as he whips around to look at Luhan, who is snickering behind him.

A second scream echoes throughout the music room shortly after.


The music class begins without fanfare as the teacher walks in, addressing the students. He has the students move into groups to work on a short in class project. Kyungsoo is grouped up with Joonmyeon, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongdae, and they are tasked with studying a simple ballad song by identifying the verses, the lyrics, and it's structure. It's a simple assignment and it has Kyungsoo breathing easy as he gets to know his classmates better as they work.

They work for around 30 minutes in relative quiet before the door to the classroom opens with a loud bang and a few students dressed in what looks like dance clothes stride in. The dance studio is through a clear glass door on the opposite wall in the music room, so the students pass through and walk into the studio laughing boisterously. Kyungsoo then remembers what Tao had told him earlier, and starts to look around for Jongin. He doesn't see him as the last of the students file into the dance studio, and he feels acutely disappointed. Maybe Tao got the person confused?

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