Chapter 8: Kyungsoo Ex Machina

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Sh*t goes down ;) but not quite THAT sh*t yet ;)

Well, hello, this update only took me a.... f*cking year. Literally one entire year. Wtf @ me ???

Sorry to anyone who had been actually following this fic back when I updated within the same year. Oh and you miiiight notice a tiny change in my writing style through this? I mean it has been an entire y e a r, and I am garbage™.

I hope you enjoy reading this, cause I certainly had fun writing it ;)

A few weeks later and Kyungsoo finally feels completely settled into his new school in Seoul, and listening to what his mom told him, he's been happily becoming better friends with Jongin. Each day with Jongin and each time they hang out together makes Kyungsoo feel invigorated, filling him upon with energy he never knew he hadn't had before.

After that first time he went to Jongin's dance practice, his fondness for Jongin only grew, and he saw another passionate and amazing side of him that amazes him even weeks later.

Settling into his new friend group was also surprisingly easy, their friendship coming together as if they had always been friends all along. Originally, Jongin and some others had been a minor part of the group, but with the addition of Kyungsoo, the group finally came together to form the loudest, most obnoxious and most annoying friend group he himself has ever seen, as well something that the school itself had never seen before. The twelve of them together were like a small family, and Kyungsoo loves it.

Most of the time. He loves it most of the time.

Now, though, is not most of the time. Now, Kyungsoo kind of wants to rip a little bit of his hair from his head.

It's lunch, maybe the most chaotic time of his day, and anyone everyone else's day (if you ask the entire student body). Next to him in his usual spot on their large lunch table is Jongin, of course, who Kyungsoo talks to for most if not all of lunch.

Across from him though, is the current bane of his existence.

Park Chanyeol.

Over the course of the past few weeks, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol have developed a small rivalry of sorts, or maybe more like a healthy bickering or bantering filled relationship. Essentially, Chanyeol loves to annoy Kyungsoo, and loves it when Kyungsoo gets even slightly mad, saying that "It's so weird to see you mad, Soo!". And now, Chanyeol's teasing-slash-banter has reached a new level of annoying.

"-Soo if you're not going to tell me who your crush is I will have to use my secret weapon" Chanyeol says, a smarmy smile on his face. Kyungsoo just sighs in annoyance.

Ever since Chanyeol found out from Jongdae, the resident loud-mouth, that Kyungsoo has a crush on someone (thankfully Jongdae did not tell Chanyeol just who Kyungsoo has a crush on, but only because he likes stirring the pot just a little). Ever since, Chanyeol has been interrogating Kyungsoo everyday at lunch.

He found out on Monday.

It's now Thursday and he won't stop.

Normally Kyungsoo wouldn't be so peeved by Chanyeol giving him a hard time about something so minor, but whenever Chanyeol teases Kyungsoo about his mysterious crush, who unbeknownst to Chanyeol is Jongin, Jongin himself always reacts weirdly. The first time it happened, Kyungsoo thought something was wrong with Jongin when he tensed up next to Kyungsoo during lunch and gave him that look, as if he just ate a lemon or something else equally awful.

That look makes Kyungsoo's heart break a little bit every time he sees it. It's as if Jongin is disgusted by him or something.

But Kyungsoo can't make it stop, because that would involve actually telling Chanyeol who his crush is, which he will not do because the next day the entire school would know. So, Kyungsoo just has to endure it as he is teased and as Jongin continues his bad reactions.

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