Chapter 6: Questions and Scary Answers

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Hello readers! I am alive and I have finally updated! Yay! This chapter actually surpassed 10k words in my doc, so I am feeling very pleased with my self. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and as always, thank you for reading!

When Kyungsoo reaches his house, his mind is still with his encounter with Jongin. He goes back over the conversation many times, remembering every word with the tan boy. He almost can't believe fate; that he actually got to talk to the boy he was surely developing a crush on, within his first day. It seems too good to be true, but Kyungsoo decidedly ignores that sprig of doubt in his mind as he walks the rest of the way up to his house.

His parents are milling around the moving truck talking to the men moving boxes into the house. Kyungsoo approaches his mother who smiles brightly when she sees him.

"Soo! Sorry about not meeting you at school to walk you home! We're totally swamped here, what with these guys coming early." His mother exclaims when he walks up. He returns the smile and waves his hand.

"Oh it's alright, I had someone to walk home with anyway." He tells her, smiling as he remembers his walk with Jongin. Maybe it was a good thing that his mother didn't pick him up from school.

"Oh I'm glad, did you make new friends? How were your classes?" she asks, stepping aside from the truck with a gesture to the moving staff.

Kyungsoo hesitates, how should he put his day into words? He met a bunch of new really cool people, started crushing on someone within the first few hours, and literally ran into said crush twice.

"It was great actually, I met a lot of new people, and my classes were... interesting." Kyungsoo replied simply, smiling slightly.

His mother nodded and gushed about how excited she was for him to start at such a good school. She then quickly excused herself with an apology to go deal with the moving staff and told him to help his father in the house with directing the boxes.

He does as his mother tells him and quickly makes his way back inside and goes to help his father, ignoring the slight burn of his collarbone or the way his thoughts keep going back to Jongin.


Kyungsoo helps his father take boxes into the house and tells the men moving the boxes where to put them and thanks them when they finish. The house is soon filled with various sizes of cardboard boxes, all labeled with different rooms. He quickly tells his parents that he's going upstairs and goes to unpack. Grabbing his backpack, he makes his way up the stairs quickly. He's excited to open the boxes and have his familiar things again. He walks into his room, still unfamiliar, but after the day he had at school, he thinks that he could be happy here yet. It only needs a personal touch.

Kyungsoo starts to unpack and tear open boxes to pull his belongings out. He is wrestling with a large wrapped piece of furniture, he thinks it's his bookshelf, when he feels the distinct and unmistakable itching sensation come back. He stops cutting the box, this time paying his full attention to the itch, and puts the knife down as the itch continues to get worse. He steps back shocked as the itching soon turns into an intense and painful burning sensation as it feels like someone is holding a flame to his collarbone.He gasps, stumbling to his feet and walking shakily to the bathroom. The burning only gets worse testing his threshold for pain as he feels tears prick his eyes and his vision start to blur. Pushing the door to his bathroom open with his shoulder, he quickly flicks on the light. He quickly pulls down the collar of his shirt to gingerly inspect the burning area in the mirror.

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