|Chapter One|

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Werewolf - (noun) - (in myth or fiction) a person who changes for periods of time into a wolf, typically when there is a full moon

Emily Gills.

It was very unusual for my mom to come home happy. Literally bouncing off the walls happy. She held a paper in her hands, her long blonde hair damp from the rain outside. She hated when her hair got wet, but that didn't stop the smile that was tattooed onto her face, her cheeks bright red from enthusiasm. Seeing her this happy tugged a small smile on my face as well, it always made me happy seeing her with such joy.

"Em's you'll never believe what happened!" She held the paper into the air, shaking it as if her life depended on it.

"What?" I questioned, wondering what was written on the paper that made her smile so much.

"We're moving! Oh honey! It'll be such a great fresh start! I finally saved up enough money and found a cute house two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a backyard, a long driveway, and there's the cutest garage in the back of the house!" She ranted, her eyes glistening with hope.

I looked down at my bare feet, pursing my lips in confusion. Why would she want to move? This house held so many memories with Dad and we've lived in this house ever since I could walk. Why would she want to give it all up.

"Emily I know what your thinking. Everything that happened with your father last year. But this house is a constant reminder that were never going to see him again. It kills me every morning when I go out to water the plants. He used to sit out on the porch and drink his coffee..." She trailed off, glancing down at the wedding ring that she never took off.

Instinctively, I walked over, wrapping my arms around her in a warm embrace. "I understand Mom. I don't want to move, this house has many memories. But if it's for the best, for both of us to start over then it'll be."

She smiled, "Ugh, I am so sorry for crying. I hate crying in front of you. I am supposed to be strong."

And she was strong. My mother was what kept me going this past year ever since my father died. "When do we move?"

"In the morning. Pack your bags tonight. There are extra suit cases in your closet. Our flight leaves at nine in the morning."

I nodded, walking upstairs to my room and looking around. I grabbed some bags and neatly folded all of my clothes into them, trying to make as much room as possible because it would be a pain in the ass having to carry around so many. Eventually when I finished, I moved onto more sentimental items, like tearing off old photos from my wall, smiling at a few of them as the memories came back to me. One was when I was a young girl, my dad was holding me in his arms after a ballet recital when I was six. My mom was staring happily at the both of us, so much love in her eyes.

I quickly set the photo into a box where I stored all of my memories.

Walking into the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror, pulling the elastic band out of my hair, and it fell past my waist. I stared at my complexion, with wide hazel-brown eyes and pale skin. My hair a chocolate brown color that I had grown out for years. I pulled open a drawer in the bathroom where I kept all my hair products and pulled out a pair of scissors. If I was starting over, might as well start with my appearance.

Uncertainty ran through my head as I thought this through. It had taken me four long years to get my hair at this length, something I was oddly proud of. I grabbed two rubber bands and tied my hair into two loose pony tails at my collar bone, closing my eyes and letting the scissors snip the left side before I could mentally protest. Biting my lower lip, I peeled my eyes open and gaped at myself in the mirror.

Might as well finish the other side...

I cut the other side as well, chewing harshly on my lips until I daringly cut off more and more,until my hair reached right under my jaw line. I checked the back of my hair to make sure it was even all around then stared at the amount of hair laying on the bathroom floor. I ran my fingers through my hair, and collect the left over hair, flushing it down the toilet.

What was my mom going to think? Too late to think about that. I packed up the rest of my stuff, setting the suit cases and bags on the floor by my door and laid in bed.

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