|Chapter Seven|

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Emily Gills.

"The day you found me, I was hurt badly, obviously. I was attacked. Along with my pack-" Pack? Pack of what? "There was a wolf pack called Bloodlust and they were hunting us down for a while and they eventually found us after a year of running. They attacked while were sleeping, we tend to sleep early during the day so we can wake up earlier and find a new place to rest. Well, I was with my pack and they attacked, I tried fighting off as much as them as possible, but their pack leader wanted to go head on with me. The alpha of my pack. Well eventually he attacked me pretty bad so I tried to run away but I was loosing conscious so I ran out to the woods and howled to try to see where my pack was. But I was too weak to stay in my wolf form and that's when you found me..." He explained, my mouth open and wide eyes the whole time.

"This has got to be some type of sick joke," I whispered, shaking my head. "Your telling me that your a wolf? Ha! Very funny! Now please tell me the real reason why you were out in the woods, naked and covered in blood." I chuckled at his playfullness.

His face was straight the whole time, actually a little irritated. "There is nothing to joke about that."

"There is no way your a werewolf. They are only animals. Not humans." I hissed, annoyed as well. Maybe while I've been out today he checked on my Netflix account and decided to watch Teen Wolf or read my Twilight series but he's crazy.

"I wanted to show you, for a while but I wasn't healed to turn." He said, his voice mono tone.

"Well you seem to be 'healed' now so why are you still here?" I asked.

He sighed, looking down once again. "This is gonna be the hardest part to explain."

"Tell me." I demanded.

"I can't... not today."

"Why not!" I cried, throwing my hands in the air. Seriously how can he just tell me he's a werewolf and then just decide that he's not gonna tell me anything else.

"Seeing as the way you reacted when I told you I was a werewolf, there is no way your gonna believe me when I tell you what's next."

I groaned, jumping off the bed and paced the room. Caleb silently watched me, never taking his eyes off me. How can I believe him? I knew there was something off about him. He's crazy... that's it. There was no way a human can be that beautiful and not have a flaw. His flaws may not be physically, but mentally. I had brought a crazy person into my house that claims to be a werewolf.

"Would you like me to show you?" Caleb asked, breaking the silence. His voice was low, cautious. "I think I am well enough to shape, if you want me to show you."

"In my room?! How crazy can you get!" I yelled, forgetting my mom was downstairs. She probably wasn't paying me any mind. Probably blasting the TV watching her Investigation shows.

"No, not in your room. I couldn't risk having you so close to me when i shift. Especially after I haven't shifted for so long... I could hurt you." There was a hint of sorrow in his tone, and his eyes softened. I bit my lip, my anger for him dissolving when I saw the sadness on his face, forgetting why I was so mad at him for a second until I snapped back to reality.

"Then where?" I asked.

"The woods. Meet me where you found me bleeding." And with that he headed over to my window, opening it and sitting on the edge. My eyes widened, was he gonna jump? Just as I ran over to the window he leaped down and I gasped, placing a hand over my mouth. But when I stuck my head out the window he was already running down the long drive way and up the hill.

"What the hell," I whispered to myself, standing astonished until I pulled on a pair of yoga pants and T-shirt.

"Going for a run!" I yelled to my Mom, not even bothering to look at her as I ran past the living room and out the front door. I rushed up the hill, then once I was meet with the entry to the woods I paused. What if he was some psycho killer waiting to kill me once I meet him there. Many possibilities ran through my head, but something nagging at the back of my head wanted me to meet him. My body moved without thinking, and my mind was blank and my feet carried me to the clearing. I could remember it as if it was yesterday, though it was two days ago.

When I got to the clearing I went over to the spot where I found him bleeding. I winced, picturing his bloody body here and me attempting to pull him up.

"You came," he said and I jumped, turning around to see Caleb standing there... naked. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander. He was just so beautiful. His muscular tan arms, veins pulsing out, toned torso with mouth watering abs. Just as my eyes wandered a little lower his voice snapped me out of my trance. "Like what you see?"

"Don't flatter yourself," I snapped though there was no hiding the blush on my face.

"Please," he said. "Don't run away, please." His body began to tremble, shake and beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

"Oh my God," I said, placing a hand over my mouth. "Caleb are you okay?" I asked as he gripped onto his stomach in pain. "Caleb answer me!" I shouted, without thinking, I took a step forward.

"Step back," He growled, his voice was barley human, it sound deep and demonic. "Step back!" snarled again, falling onto the ground. He landed on his hands and knees, trembling more as the bones in his body began to crack and dislocate.

I nearly fainted watching his body twist in ways that were not okay. Stepping back, I began to shake as well, in fear and no way as much as he was. What was happening to him?

"Cale-" Just as I called his name, the human body disappeared and a large black wolf took is place. It snarled, lurching forward then it landed on all fours. For at least seven seconds, my mind went completely blank. The only thing filling my mind was the familiar blue eyes staring back into mine.

The wolf- better yet Caleb slowly stalked closer to me. Run! My subconscious me but my feet stayed planted on the ground. He held his head low, as if telling me he wasn't going to harm me. Caleb was close enough that I could smell the familiar scent lingering on his fur. He licked my hand gently, a peace offering, telling me that he wasn't going to harm me.

"Caleb?" My voice came out barley above a whisper.

The wolf nodded, looking down at me. My God! He was huge! He lowered himself, very slowly and never broke eye contact with me. He laid on his stomach, his large paws in front of him and he cocked his head so I would sit down next to him.

I didn't move. How can he be so casual about this? The man I took in and helped was a werewolf! Maybe he wasn't crazy after all, maybe I was crazy. I swallowed, Caleb wasn't lying to me. He told me the truth... that he was a werewolf.

Accept it! Just accept it, there is no going back now! I yelled at myself but I couldn't do it. Caleb looked concerned, his head tilted to the side and I couldn't process exactly what was going on. "I-I..." I shook my head. It's okay, something in the back of my head told me. Just accept it. Deciding to listen to the voice, I slowly sat down in front of the wolf and reached my hand out.

He licked my hand once more and I giggled. "Ew!" I wiped my hands on my pants and lifted my hand again to run my fingers through his hair.

Caleb let our a soft purr, moving closer and setting his giant head on my lap and stared at me with those bright blue eyes. I continued to comb his hair, scratching behind his ear and his tail began to shake feverishly. Tommy loved when i scratched behind his ear.

He lifted his head a little, pressing his forehead onto mine, never breaking his gaze on me. Your mine, a possessive voice sounded in the back of my head.

"Woah," I whispered. "Was that you?"

He nodded once more. "How did you do that? Can you show me more?"

He pressed his forehead onto mine once more and I closed my eyes. A image of me showed up, fear traced on all my features. When he shifted.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, pulling my forehead away from his. "Can you change back and explain everything to me please?"

He grumbled, standing up and trotting off to behind the trees, leaving me there in a daze.

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