|Chapter Six|

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Emily Gills.





Paper Towels

I held the list of items my mother wrote down for me to get at the store. It was a cute little shop that had everything you needed, not to mention it was cheap. Strolling up and down the aisles, I did not happen to notice someone in front of me, causing me to crash my cart into them.

"Ouch!" The male voice hissed, crashing onto the floor.

I gasped, rushing around my cart. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you! I was looking for paper towels and... and I didn't see you. Oh my gosh, how bad are you hurt? Here let me help you out. I'm such an idiot!" I rambled, rushing to pull the person of the floor.

"It's alright. Hey, haven't I meet you before? Your... Emily, right?" I glanced up at the familiar face, smiling when I saw Greg.

"Yes! I'm the new neighbor you came by to introduce yourself the other day.'' I said, looking him up and down to noticed that he was dressed in the attire that the workers wear. "You work here?"

"Yeah for a few months already." He said, nodding. "Can I help you find anything?" He reached out for my list and I noticed a long scar running down his arm, slightly puffy meaning it was new. Deciding not to mention it, I handed him the list and he let out a "Aweee. Well if your looking for paper towels you came down the wrong aisle."

"What?" The lady at the counter directed me to aisle four. Now that I think about it, it seemed as if she wasn't paying attention to anything I was saying. She had her head phones in, black converse kicked up on the counter and I think she was even painting her nails if I remember correctly.

"You must have asked Tasha. Yeah she's a real pain in the ass when it comes to new people in town." He chuckled, pulling at the end of my cart down the aisle and led me into aisle ten.

"Bitch..." I muttered to myself but the loud laughter coming from Greg showed I said it much louder then I attended. I laughed along with him, shaking my head at my manners. "Sorry."

"She's a bitch, don't worry I hardly like her. Imagine having a six hour shift five times a week with her." He says and a shudder ran down my spine. If I didn't like her now, imagine being with her for hours. "Here are your paper towels." He said, grabbing a pack of three and set them in the cart. "Anything else?"

I checked my list, shaking my head as I seemed to check everything off that my mother needed. "Thanks Greg. Don't be afraid to stop by anytime."

"There's a party at my friends place on Friday, if you want to join. His parents are going away for the weekend and I heard he's inviting a lot of people over." He told me as he walked me up to the counter.

I bit my lip, the last time I went to a party was when I was dating my ex-boyfriend, Chris. That didn't end very well, I caught him making out with one of my used to be close friends. They were both drunk, and I had a few drinks, but not drunk enough to cheat on my boyfriend. That was the last time I went to a party, after that I just decided no good things happen at parties.

"Emily?" He called, waving his hand in front of my face. "You there?"

"Yeah sorry, It's just parties aren't really my kind of thing, you know?"

"Come on. Live a little. It will be fun I promise. Here, I'll give you my number and I'll text you the address, starts at nine."

Rolling my eyes as he pulls his phone out of his jean pockets and handed it to me. "Don't make me regret this." I say when I hand him his phone back.

"I won't." He winks, turns and strides away.

* * *

"Of course you can go!" My mom cries out when I ask her about the party. "A million times yes! It's good for you to get out and meet friends and party!" She sips her glass of wine, excitement in her eyes.

"Thanks," I muttered, turning on my heel and walking upstairs to my bedroom. When I enter my bedroom, I rest my back on the door, closing my eyes.

"Your going to a party?" Caleb's voice said, sounding low and upset. I yelped, eyes snapping open to see Caleb casually sitting on my bed, looking through a photo album.

"Yes," I responded, slowly walking towards him and sat down next to him. "Problem?"

He glances up at me with smoldering blue eyes, his jaw set. "Don't tempt me." He nearly growled and my breath got caught in my throat. I have never seen someone... or something so beautiful in my life before. My mouth was gaped, trying to find something to say to him.

"Tempt you? What do you mean? How did you know I was going to a party?" I threw questions at him, raising an eye brow... two can play at this game. 

''Why do you have so many questions?" He shot back, and I glowered at him.

"Because I have the right to ask questions." I snarled, stubbornly crossing my arms over my chest.

He chuckled, throwing his head back and smiling with his pearly white teeth. "You are the most stubborn human being I have ever meet."

Rolling my eyes, I shoved his chest. "You seem to be getting better. Mind telling me your story now?"

"I can't," He said, his face falling, all signs of amusement gone. He looked back down at the photo album and smiled slightly. "You were such a cute baby," 

"Enough with the baby pictures," I said, surprised I wasn't bothered that he was snooping through my stuff. "You need to answer my questions."

"Well actually I really don't need to tell you, your just very stubborn and wont drop it until I give you want you want." He muttered, running his hand through his perfect hair. "You see? Stubborn."

"My mom calls me stubborn all the time," I sighed. "Please just tell me what I need to know." 

"Alright," he huffed. "It all started the day you found me..." 

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