|Chapter Eight|

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Emily Gills.

We walked back to my house in silence, well I was silent. Caleb kept asking if I was alright and I would only nod. I decided I would shower him with questions when we got to my room. We walked up the long driveway, and I unlocked my door, totally forgetting Caleb was by my side but when I turned around to tell him my mom was in the living room he was gone.

I pushed my eyebrows together, wondering where he went. What the hell? I could hear him walking next to me a second ago. Where did he go? 

"Emily?" Mom called out as I close the door and kick off my shoes.

"I'm here," I said as I entered the living room.

"How was your run?" She asked, pausing the TV and patting the couch next to her.

"It was great." I nodded, ignoring her invitation to sit next to her.

"Is something wrong? You've been distant from me lately." She frowned, worry lines forming on her forehead and I felt my heart break. I rush over to her and hugged her tightly.

"It's not that, I'm just still getting used to the move." I forced a smile on my face as I pulled away from her.

"I know, I'm sorry we just suddenly moved so fast. I never asked how you really felt about it." She held onto my shoulders. "You know that you are so important to me and if you want to move back I won't hesitate in moving. It might take a while because I used a lot of money with the plane and buying the house and everything.''

"Mom I'm happy we moved. I swear I am. I don't want to move back. I miss the house so much but it's been a year and we would have to move on eventually."

"I love you," She smiled, kissing my cheek.

"I love you too," I said hugging her once more before heading upstairs. I assume Caleb would have been waiting in my room, or however way he plans on getting inside the house. When I walked into the room, Caleb was sitting on my bed as usual, waiting for me.

"Your mom loves you a lot," He smiled sadly, looking down.

"I know, she does so much to make me happy." I stood in front of him, resisting the urge to run my fingers through his hair. That's only when he's a wolf, I thought to myself.

"I will answer all of your questions honestly." He announced, scooting so I could sit next to him. I sat down on my bed, crossing my legs so I could face him.

"How did you um, how did you talk to me through your mind?" I asked quietly.

He sighed. "Okay, I know this may be hard to believe but as a werewolf we are destined to have a mate. Every wolf. A mate is a wolves love. He would do anything for her or him. Like anything to put a smile on their face, to make them happy, and we will protect our mate with our life."

"How do you know when you find your mate?"

He smiled a little, side glancing at me. "Well you first notice their smell, its very... intriguing. Very powerful and very attracting. Then once you see them it's like everything around you stops, it doesn't matter anymore. Then there's a bond that grows between them. It's very strong, and even after one of them die the bond is still there. The wolf will not be able to move on. Usually the pain and longing of their mate hurts so much they follow them in their death not too far after."

"How does it work? Like how did it all happen?"

"No one knows. It was just the first of our kind was born, he fell in love a human, but it was a different type of love. It was almost as if he would take a bullet for her with no hesitation. They were together all the time causing the bond to grow more and more. Eventually, her parents found out about him being a werewolf and tried to kill him. That's how hunters were created. They ran away together, had children and it went on from their."

"Wow," I muttered. "How long ago was that?"

"Many, many years ago." 

"Have you found your mate?" I asked, feeling my stomach turn.

"Yes," He said, smiling. My jaw clenched and I looked down at my hands. Of course he would have a mate. She was probably the most beautiful human being out there. My fist clenched and I felt like crying. Why did I feel like this? I've known him for nearly two days and I'm in raged that he has a mate.

His large hand was placed on top of my smaller one. "Mi Bella," he whispered. "My mate is you."

"What!" I gasped, staring at him. He had a smirk on his face, as if he could feel the jealousy rolling off me in thick waves. I felt a little smug that I was his mate. "Does that mean that we are together forever?''

He nodded. "That is unless you deny me as your mate. I hope you don't because a mate is a mate, meaning that I will not be able to move on if you deny me. We will both go through pain. But if you don't want me, I understand. This all happened so fast."

What did I want? Did I really want him to enter my life so quick? This could mess up everything my mother and I built. What if being his mate could hurt my mother? What if his kind hunts us down and attacks my mother? That thought sent shivers up and down my spine.

"Emily?" He called and I looked at him.

"I need time to take this all in," I whispered.

"Just know that when you officially accept me as your mate I will have to mark you to make it official." 

"Mark me?" 

"It's a little complicated, but it completes everything. Since I am the alpha of the pack that makes you Luna. It's what the pack calls you by as respect unless you decide other wise. It lets all wolves know that you are mine. And I'm telling you when I mark you it's gonna be very hard for me to... stay away from you." 

"I don't want you to stay away from me." I said, confused.

"No I mean. Are you a virgin?" he asked.

I blushed at the blunt question. "Yes." 

"You see when I mark you I'm gonna be very attached to you, physically and sexually. Every month after I mark you, your gonna give off a very sexual smell. Other wolves will notice as well but for me it's gonna very hard. Almost like just sitting next to you will want make me rip your clothes off."

"Oh," I nodded. How was he so comfortable talking about this? 

"But I will give you as much time as you need to think about this. Your happiness is my happiness." My heart skipped a beat, his words sounding so promising it made me feel warm inside. 

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