|Chapter Five|

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Emily Gills.

I must have fallen asleep while we were into the second season of American Horror Story because when I woke up I was in bed, wrapped in a warm embrace. My eyes stayed close, too comfortable to move as I snuggled closer to the warmth. 

There was a purr- like sound in my ear, much more deeper then Tommy's, but I payed no mind to it. Throwing a leg over the body next to mine and sighing. Warm arms that were once wrapped around my shoulder, wrapped around my waist, tugging me closer and the purr vibrated the whole bed.

I inhaled deeply, taking in a familiar woodsy smell and hugged the body closer to mine, not having this good of a sleep in a long time. There was the smallest moan coming from the body, pulling me closer as if I wasn't close enough. 

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway made it harder to fall back asleep, if it was Greg coming back to greet me again, there was no way in hell I was getting out of bed to answer the door. He would have to come back another time. The engine cut off and I could hear keys jingling.

"Comfortable enough?" A husky voice whispered and my eyes snapped open, and I was faced with Caleb's neck. 

I gasped, pulling away from his arms, but Caleb wasn't having that. His arms tightened around me and my throat closed. I looked around my room, my eyes trailing down to Caleb who was shirtless. He shifted, the covers moving down his chest, showing soft, toned abs with barley a scar from the previous night.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself, running my fingers along the scar where dried blood and gauze should have been. He let out another purr-like noise, the skin underneath my fingers trembling so little.

"I hear abnormally fast," His voice still husky. I peeled my eyes away from the tan skin and trailed up his jaw, lips, nose then eyes. "Enjoying the view?"

Just as I was going to reply with some snarky response I heard my mother's heals clanking up the stairs and down the hall. "Emily, are you here?" She called and my eyes widened. I jumped out of bed, tripping over Tommy as he hissed and ran under my bed. Falling on my bottom in the process.

"Get in the closet!" I hissed at Caleb who stared at me with concern in his eyes. "Now, go!" 

He wasted no time climbing out of bed a gracefully walking into the closet, closing the door behind him. Just as the closet door closes, my mom opened up the door and looked around until she saw me on the floor.

"For heavens sake! Emily what are you doing on the floor?" She said, a hint of playfullness in her tone.

"Ughhh," I paused, glancing over at the closet. "I was sleeping and when I woke up I stepped on Tommy and he ran under the bed and I'm trying to get him out." The half-lie rushed out of my mouth before I could think of anything to say.

She looked a little suspicious, but I quickly changed the subject. "How was your day at work? Did you like it?"

"Yes, it was so much fun! I meet a few nice girls and we might hang out this weekend." She gushed and smiled.

"How is it that my mom has more of a social life than her teenage daughter?" I laughed, shaking my head.

"Well maybe if you went out and made more friends that wouldn't be a problem..." She said and I looked down. Mom knew that was a problem for me. Ever since Dad died I recruited all of my friends. I used to be Ms. Popular at my high school but once he passed I felt guilty for having friends and making memories I couldn't share with him.

"Eventually," I muttered, looking up at Mom with a smile. Today was her day, she looked so happy and I haven't seen her this happy in a while.

"Get out and meet some guys. Having a boyfriend or two wont hurt you." She winked and I groaned.

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