|Chapter Four|

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Emily Gills.

Caleb began to furiously shake his head, "No. There was a lot of blood so maybe you just thought it was there."

"How could I have thought I saw it? I remember thinking you needed stitches for that one. So how? How could it just have gone away." I pressured, wanting answers.

"Like I said before-"

"Yeah, yeah. Your in no shape to explain." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest and slumping back.

"Stubborn, are you?" He tilted his head to the side, his voice sounding velvety. 

I rolled my eyes, "Only when I need to be." 

"Well I promise that eventually you will know, just not know." He said and I nodded. After a few minutes of silence the sound of tires on the gravel caught both of our attention. Caleb stiffened and let out a small growl. I choose to ignore that he was making animal noises. I peeped over the small window, not recognizing the car the parked in the driveway. 

"Do you know them?" Caleb asked, his voice low, dangerous. 

I shook my head. "Stay here I'm gonna go see what they want." Just as I stood up, Caleb grabbed my arm, pulling me back down until I landed right next to him and he wrapped his arms tightly around me. "No."

I glanced up at him, eyes wide and my mouth agape. For someone who went through so much damage, he had a lot of strength to pull me pretty roughly. Not to mention that he was so warm, and he smelled woodsy, like the forest. His arms were like boa constrictors around me, tightening when I struggled.

"Let me go, I'm just gonna go see why they are here." I hissed, trying to push his arms off of me. Once I was free he looked a little offended but his face hardened. 

"If your not back within ten minutes, I'm going out there." He said through his teeth.

Take a chill pill, I wanted to say aloud, but I felt like if I did he wouldn't let me go at all. So I shut my face and left the shed, walking over to the front door to see a man standing there.

"Hello," I greeted, smiling brightly at him.

"Hello. Are you the new owners of the house?" He questioned and I nodded, curious as to why he needed the information. "Nice to meet you, I'm your neighbor Greg. My parents sent me over to greet the new members of the community."

"We have neighbors?" I asked, hint of sarcasm in my voice.

He chuckled, "I know right, everyone lives so far apart here... Whats your name?"

"Emily, I moved in here yesterday with my mom." I said, taking his extended hand.

"Nice to meet you. Well, I'm sure your busy setting everything up. I'll go now."

"Nice to meet you too, Greg!" I called as he walked towards his car. He waved as he got in and drove off.  

I walked back into the shed, seeing Caleb glaring out of the window. "Hey, you shouldn't be standing. You need to rest."

"There isn't much resting on the hard floor." He grunted, running his fingers through his think black hair. 

"What do you want me to do? Let you rest on my couch?" I laughed to myself, but when I glance up Caleb isn't laughing he has a serious look on his face. "You can't be serious."

"I need to heal. Laying on the floor isn't helping at all." He muttered and I groaned.

"Alright. But when my mom comes home I'm taking you back out here." I shook my head as he agreed. I helped him inside the house, opening the front door and staring at him. "Are you still bleeding anywhere? Because my mom would kill me if I got blood on the couch."

"I don't think so. But, do you mind changing my gauze?" He asked, leaning against the wall in the living room.

I nodded, heading into the kitchen, looking under the sink and grabbing the gauze that was half gone, thanks to him. I tried to remind myself that I was helping him get better and I was doing it for the good... even though I only knew his name and nothing else about him.

After I unwrapped the old tissue I noticed that the scratches on his stomach had gone down, a lot, but still there and bleeding only a little. I cleaned up the blood and wrapped the gauze around him and set him on the couch.

"Listen, if your gonna be sleeping here for however more long I want to know more about you." I said, my voice sounding strict. He smirked, as if he could see right past it.

"What do you want to know?" He asked, raising his perfectly arched eyebrow.

"How old are you and when is your birthday?" I jumped straight into it.

"Nineteen. My birthday is January 16." He answered. "You?"

"Seventeen, birthday is November 3. Why were you in the woods last night?"

"I was... I was running from something." He looked uncomfortable so I decided not to pressure him into telling me. We talked for hours, I learned that he lives about thirty minutes away, in town, He lived with a bunch of friends until he was eighteen, he decided to move out on his own. 

"So no one knows that you've been missing?" I asked

"I'm sure they have noticed by now. I wouldn't be surprised if they were looking for me in the woods right now..." He trailed off.

"Do you want to go look for them?" I asked and his eyes widened as he shook his head.

"If they saw you with me when I'm in this state them who knows what they will do." he muttered.

"Alright then." I turned away from him and turned on the TV, glad to see American Horror Story on. "Have you ever seen these series?"

He shook his head, "American Horror Story?"

My mouth fell open and I jumped off the couch, turning on the Blue Ray and finding the remote that connected to Netlix. He has no idea what he got himself into, I thought with a smirk.

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