The Man in the Woods

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I was trapped, his scythe in a position that would cripple me. I had made the mistake of going into the forest. I was Lord of Night Lily and I should not have snuck away from my guards.

"Lady Iva, pleasure to meet you." said the man.

"Who are you and what do you want? My guards are looking for me now." I stated.

"Who I am does not matter. I know you are at war with a powerful force and if you marry me you can have a chance of winning." Replied the man.

"I will not marry you. I just met you."

"I will give you time to think about your choice. Bad things shall come down upon your people and village if you do not accept my offer." He turned and started to walk away. "By the way my name is Garrick."


Garrick. What did he want? Who was he? What could he do to my village? Why did he want to marry me of all people? I had so many questions I just sat down with my back to a tree. My personal guards Kane and Ravi found me a few hours later.

"My lord you look terrible." said Kane but then he noticed my eyes were bloodshot, "What is wrong Lady Iva?"

"Nothing." I said trying to convince myself that my words were true.

"It does not look like nothing." stated Ravi.

"I'm fine just a little out of things from lack of sleep lately. With the war I'm sure both of you understand why I am so worried." I said. Some of that was the truth. I was losing sleep and I was extremely worried for my village.

"My lord I think you are ill please let me take you to Adila's house for treatment." said Kane.

Did I really look that bad? Wow I must really be letting everything that has been happening get to my head.

"No I'm fine." Seeing the worried looks on their faces I added," I just am really stressed. Just leave me and I will come back to the village in a little while."

Ravi picked up my hand, kissed it and then left headed back to his duties. Kane stayed with me.

"My lady is there something you are not telling me? I know you better than Ravi and you seem more stressed than usual."

"Kane, somethings are better left secret if you value your life."

"Was that a threat my Lord? I do this for your protection, and sometimes you make my job extremely hard to do."

"That was a warning, my beloved guard. You must understand that me being Lady of Night Lily comes with risks and you must be prepared to defend me from such risks."

"I know this my lady. It is you who must learn. You are still young even though we do not know your exact age."

"Kane, you must know that I act older than I appear. For all we know I could have discovered the secret to immortality, but it could have cost me my memories."

"I know my Lord. Let's head back to the village, I'm sure everyone will be glad you didn't get kidnapped."

He helped me stand. I had been sitting so long that I fell into his arms. We both started blushing, but we quickly recovered. We started back to the village. I didn't realize how far I had gone into the forest until we passed a sign that I knew was two miles outside our village. But time pasted faster when I was on my own so I guess I could have wandered off that far and never notice.

Hey! I'm trying out writing a longer story. If it is any good please let me know. Let me know if I messed up anywhere. I know I most likely did. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new book as much as I enjoyed writing it.


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