Morning of the Battle

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That morning, around 7 AM, Ravi came running into my room with a distressed look on his face.

"Lady Iva!" Ravi panted as he came into the room." Troops from Blood Valley have been seen coming from the north. There must be at least 100 of them. We have already got the children and villagers that can't fight on a boat headed to SwordBroke." He sounded terrified and he had a right  to be, they drastically out number us.

"Ravi run down to the walls and prepare for a fight. Make sure the gate is bolted shut and that the sorcery users are ready to defend them." I had to keep my cool. No matter what I was going to do later that day I had to be ready for the current attack. Keeping everyone alive for me to end this is my main goal." This is their first wave of attacks. They are only warming up so make sure that nobody uses too much power or energy." Some days I swear being lord is going to kill me. 

Ravi left and I hurried to get dressed. I put on my Lord's Armor, it was stronger than normal armor and a lot lighter. Picking up my Blessed Bow of Beginnings, which of course was back-up in case my magic drained me too much, I ran towards the northern most wall. When I got there I was greeted by Kane wielding the Light Rapier of the Moon.  

"Milady I'm so sorry I didn't wake you up when I went to finish checking on everything else in the village. You needed sleep and I didn't want to deprive you of it on the only night possibly for days that you could get any." Said Kane. He seemed so sorry that it was hard not to forgive him even though I should have been the first person to the wall to help prepare for the battle; after all it was my fault that we were at war to begin with.

~Flashback(One of Iva's Sorcery Side Effects is really bad flashbacks)~ 

"Hello Iva." said Luke. He addressed me like I was in his family or his best friend which I prayed I would never be, he was extremely rude.

"Hello and welcome to Night Lily. May I ask what village you are from?" I could tell he was a lord or a lord of high authority's son. He was wearing a dark purple and gold outfit which was only worn by someone in high power.

"I am Lucifer Zain Estes Krall-Wang of Blood Valley or just Luke for short. I'm the second oldest son of Lord Torvald Walter Xerxes Krall-Wang and Lady Raine Malka Ece Krall-Wang. I am looking for a bride for my older brother and I heard the lady of this village was a very beautiful, young, dainty woman with two children that might just need a father." stated Lucifer.

"Why would you think I would ever marry someone that I had never met? I would never marry someone for status or money." I was shocked.

"I think you would do it if you knew the effects of your actions. Blood Valley is one of the most powerful villages in all the surrounding kingdoms and just for us to ask you to take this position should be a honor. You would be a queen, Abbi and Anderson would be a prince and princess and all you would ever have to do is marry my brother and have one son with him."

 "How do you know my children's names?!"

"Lady Iva I know everything about you down to how many outfits you have in your closet. I'm the reason why Abbi does not have any family other than you."

"I will not marry your brother. My children and I are perfectly happy as we are."

"Don't say I never warned you of the effects of denying Blood Valley."

Damn Memories coming up now when I'm about to start fighting.

"Are you ok, Lady Iva?" asked Kane.

"I'm perfectly fine. Here they come prepare your first wave of defense and attack!" I commanded the troops. I was shocked when I realized just how many advanced magic users we had. 

I lifted my hand creating a sun and moon orb of purified light to use to attack the enemy. Kane got ready to climb off the wall and use his special Morning Sun attack. Ravi carried the Axe of Ages. Alec wielded a hooked staff covered in Vampire Blood. Sienna was beside Alec dual wielded daggers that had been blessed by fairies. Adila had set up a Cursed Net of Desire and was on top of the wall ready to bring down enemies with her element magic.    

We all began our battles.

Well Cliff Hanger. Sorry about not posting last week I've been extremely busy and I'm going to be really busy up until probably Winter Break so if I don't post for a week know that is why. I don't get home till 6 some days and I have to preform with chorus and run a 5-K and I have some sleep over parties so I am trying to prepare myself for all the stuff going on in my life. Also I could not get a picture to work for this chapter I will try to come in later and add it but my computer is being a butt. Wish me luck at district chorus auditions tomorrow


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