Goodbye, My Village

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As I got near the gate, Garrick put his arm around my waist. I swear having to deal with him the rest of my life would kill me. Of course the amount of people who wanted him dead would help me a lot.

Standing at the gate I yelled, "Alec, let me in. I know you are there."The gate lifted up with a great haste. Alec was standing waiting. Kane was standing with him, his hand was wrapped in bandage.

"Never do that again, milady." Said Alec, then he realized that Garrick was holding on to my waist. "Why is he here if we are at war with his village? I know he does not want to discuss peace." 

Garrick turned me to face him and kissed me on my lips." I'm visiting my fiancée's village. Alec, our villages are no longer at war thanks to Iva's agreement with me." 

"Lady Iva, why didn't you tell us about your engagement?" Kane asked, he looked as if he wanted to murder Garrick right then and there, which I would not stop him from doing.

"Kane, Alex, I need you gather everyone in the village that can walk and take them to the marketplace. I will be holding a town meeting in 2 hours, go!" I spoke still trying not to cry.

I walked through the village to my house. I ran upstairs to my bed room and started packing everything that was important to me. I had the last picture of my family before they died, my father and my twin sisters were smiling. My three brothers looked so happy and my mother was expected another child. Little did any of us know that out of our whole family I would be the only member that would survive. I was only seven at the time so it was around eleven years ago. I had moved on with my own children. There was also a necklace that my guards had got me when I became Lord. Each of my guards had a lock bracelet that my necklace since my key was the only thing that could take it of their wrist. The last object that I was going to bring other than my clothes, was a wand with  orb of memories on the end. It was made with wood from a willow tree and had a phoenix feather and unicorn hair in the core. It was my main weapon that I used before I mastered my magic.

As I finished packing my things I walked across the hall to work on packing my children's things. When I was almost finished gathering there toys, blankets, and clothes, Moa walked in.

"Iva, why are you packing? Are you and the children going on a trip?" Asked Moa, she was obviously confused. The children were too young to go on trips with me for the danger that they might get hurt, kidnapped, lost, or worse.

"Moa, you will find it tonight at the meeting. Just Abbi, Anderson, and I will be going away for a long time and there is a chance we will not be back for over five years." She was going to find out tonight anyway might was well hint at what was happening. I turned around and worked on finishing packing.  "You should become the caretaker of little Tierra while we're gone." Moa appeared mad for me for suddenly leaving with the children without any explanation. Moa realized she was not going to get a better explanation until tonight so she gave up trying and left.

I sat down on Abbi's bed and thought about everything that had happened. I must have sat there crying for at least thirty minutes because Kane had came looking for me. I didn't notice him coming into the room until he walked behind me and hugged me. 

Turning me around, he reached up and pulled my long brunette hair out of my face.He wiped a tear from my bloodshot green eyes. "Iva, why did you do this to yourself? Out village is strong, we could have won the war. Now I may never see your beautiful face smile again." 

"Oh Kane, I'm so sorry. We both know the village is strong but we were outnumbered and Blood Valley is too strong of a village to make enemies with. Though I may never be happy until I come back here, I will spend the rest of my life happy while remembering you and everyone else here." Sure if Garrick didn't die in the next ten years I probably would commit suicide but Kane didn't need to know that. He had to think I was going to live my life to the fullest even without the people I had grown to love and care for.

"Iva, promise you will come back and visit us on the occasion. Oh, and don't have a kid before we can com save your sorry ass." If she had another kid I want it to be mine thought Kane as he barely whispered his words.

"Kane, could you be the Lord of the village with the help of Ravi and Alec while I'm gone? I know it's a lot to ask for.

"Of course, malady. Just don't make me be Lord for too long." Kane looked over to the wall where the clock was."Lady Iva, we need to head to the marketplace. Everyone except Ravi,because of his injury, is going to be there. They want to hear why the future Lord of Blood Valley has been walking  around town." Crap, I had forgotten about Garrick.

"Let's go."


Walking up in front of my village to proclaim my engagement was like having to announce the death of a guard or child. It pained me to tell them that I was leaving and they would be without a permanent Lord.  I was basically telling them I believed that we would not be able to defeat Blood Valley so I had given up my own hand in marriage to protect our humble little village. Garrick saw I was about to make the huge announcement. He walked over and wrapped his arm grounds my waist and kissed my check. God was he a terrible kisser.

"People of Night Lily, it pains me to bring forth the announcement of my engagement to Future Lord, Garrick Angra Mainyu Krall-Wang of Blood Valley. He has brought forward a treaty of peace between our villages for the next several years. Kane, Ravi, and Alec will be your new temporary overseers." Garrick was squeezing my side and I could hardly breathe. I looked around the crowd and I saw Fleur sitting holding Tierra, I saw Moa standing with Abbi and Anderson, Adila and Sienna both looked at me with cold eyes. Everyone's reactions were filled with shock and sadness, some of the women where even crying. Moa looked like she would have murdered me then and there if not for the children.

" I know this is a sudden decision but after this meeting is over and I have said my goodbyes, I will be leaving for Blood Valley. I will try to come back and visit when I can and everyone is invited to come see my wedding. Is there anything anyone wants to know before I leave?" I barely made it through my sentence before my voice cracked and it took all my effort to keep from crying.

"My Lady, sorry if this seems rude but why did you not tell anyone of your decision before you made it?" asked Riku who was standing next to his wife and daughter.

"It is my job to keep conflict out of our village. I caused the war to begin; I will cause it to end as well." Not the best explanation but it would have to suffice. "Any other questions for me before I leave?"

I heard a quaint, quite voice pipe up,"When will you be returning?" Asked little Adanna Nandita Saito. Her father, Aitor Wymond Saito, looked extremely embarrassed.

"I don't know if I will ever return for anything other than political matters." Poor child, she was always so sweet and innocent. "Goodbye Night Lily. I will miss you all." At that point Garrick pulled me towards the ship we would be leaving on. All my stuff was already there. Abbi was holding Anderson standing and waiting on me. Taking Anderson from her I stepped onto the boat ready for the end of the beginning of my life.

I've previously stated the author is busy. I ran a 5-K Saturday and with thanksgiving I have been hectic. It's fun but it's not the best way to do things. Trying to get back to posted a chapter once a week.


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