(C h a p t e r 2) Tea party?

502 21 8

Jack at the top
Not edited.
Jack's p.o.v
I looked over and over at the strip of paper in my hands.

No I can't do this.You see the secret is.Wait why the fuck am I telling you?

Well what ever you're eventually going tonfind out.Well I guess I could tell you.Well you see in 6th grade I met Jace.He was kind of cute.

But in 8th grade he started going through puberty.And I think you can guess,I got a crush on him.

Yes I'm bi,some people know but not alot of people. If you call not alot of people most of the school than yes people know.

"Could I switch partners or be alone?"this kind of broke my heart but I get why he would want to change partners.

"No,Mr.Green you'll be stuck with him,"he had a look on his face.

"Fine,whatever,"he rolled his eyes.

"C'Mon,"he grumbled pulling me to where I had been sitting already.His hands were soft yet rough.

He didn't let go of my arm.I smirked knowing he would be emberased if I said it out loud.

After a while I thought it was good timing."Oh, Jace yes,You have a good grip, just don't pull too hard,it hurts quite some,"I said loud for everyone to hear while I looked down pretending to look at my crotch area.While really just looking at my shoes.

He quickly let go."Mr.Green,Mr.Johnson Detention after school,"Mrs.Rankel walked up to us.

"But,I think I might have practice,and oooh! It was Jace's idea,"I moaned.

She nodded still handing us yellow slips.
(An:I'm not sure what color they are at your school,but at my school they're yellow,but you can imagine whatever color you want)

Each with our name on them.She then wabled away."You bitch,"Jace wispered.
"Yes,honeybun?"I asked sweetly.

"Ugh,just shut up where do you want to finish the project,cause were not going to finish it here,"he said putting his head on his hand and looking up at me.

"Yeah,sure at your house though,"I said taking out a pen from my bookbag's front pocket.

"After detention that fine with you,"he said calmly.

"Ya,ugh Mrs.Rankel is such a bitch,"I complained."I know right?"he answered. "Alright all students are allowed to eighther talk amongs themselves or start on the project,"she huffed.

"So what now?"he asked

"I don't know,get to know eachother,I guess we have to get along since we're going to be working on the project for a while,"I answered slumping in my seat.


"Do you have any tattoos?"I asked him.

So far we none of us has tried to kill the other so that's good.I found out some things about him.

He likes the color green.
He has 2 brothers and one sister.
His birthday is on December 27.
He's 17.
He likes Marina and the Diamonds.
He likes chocolate.

And I guess that's pretty much it.

"Uhm,yeah I do have tattoos,"he said lifting his shirt up.Showing off his tones stomach.I caught mysel drooling.

He pointed towards his ribcage.There was a pitch black tea cup.

"What does it mean?"I asked.He let his shirt drop."Well,about three years ago when Olivia and Oliver were around 2 I use to play tea party's with them,"

"But,they eventually grew out of it,and they stoped being cute,so I got it to well,remember those times,"he shrugged.

"Cool,"I mumbled just as the bell rang.

Oh,I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time now.I've just had a writer's block.But anyways right now it's 1:46a.m. here.My systet watching a movie so I thought it would be good to update now.
Thank you for reading!

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