(C H A P T E R 1)

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Guys I decided that the first people to comment or vote on my chapter,I will shout you out for the next chapter.

Shout out to: 'bish_im_yo_queen', Unicorn89SF,and hometowngirl4270

As always I appreciate feedback,and your thoughts.

Jace's p.o.v. *Jace in the pic*
I made my way into my school parking lot.Ugh,damm he'll hole.I've hated school ever since the beginning of 6th Grade.I will never forget that day.

I just shook my head trying to get his dahm smirk out of my head.

Got out of my beautiful matte black jeep wrangler.People nearly know I exist.So why bother being friends with someone?

I leaned against my car,and put my hood up blocking my ears from the cold October wind.And took out the menthols (An:sorry I'm not very sure what they're called)

I Stuck it in between my lips,while taking out the lighter that I simply never forget.

While repeating the memorized routine.Cupping my hand over the both of them. And watched the lighter shoot sparks before it actually lit up.And lean the sigarette closer to the flame.

Finally lighting it up.

I let out a puff of smoke from my nose and looked up at the sky,before taking my phone out.

Searching through social media.What a waste of my time,all people talk is shit.

"Eh! Look it's the bad-ass!"I looked up to see none other than Jack Johnson. Sometimes I just wish I could rip his head off.

"What the fuck do you want?"I asked anger boiling inside me."Nothing really,just wanted to come say hi,"he taunted while waving.

"Hi,my ass,"I muttered between a huff of air."What was that?"he asked wide eyed.

"Oh nothing,you must have heard wrong,"I replied with a sweet voice and a smile.Jesus.

He just growled and left.I just hate him.

Made it to English without tripping this time whoo!

"Mr.Green please take your seat," Mrs.Rankel demanded.Jeez dam old lady got her panties in a bunch.

I went and sat on an open seat next to this one girl."Alright,alright that's all of the class,"she muttered.

"Class,settle down."She said waving her arms like a bird.

"Now we will be doing a project,"I groaned quite loud,slaming my head against the desk.

"Is there a problem Mr.Green?"she asked folding her hands together.Everyone,and I mean everyone turned to me.

"No,"I wispered."Louder,"she said making a motion to her ear."No,"I repeated louder."Louder,"she demanded.

This bitch.I think she just hates me so much.

"NO!"I yelled.Shooting out of my chair.

(A/N:OMG! This happened to me the other day and it was just like so emberasing)

"Alright,Mr.Green come sit by me,"she said sliding a chair by her big desk.

You could hear a sniker from the back as I stood of up.I turned around and met eyes with that bitch's eyes.

Did you guess? Yeah I think it's pretty obvious.

'Shut up' I mouthed to him.
"So,I will pick people to come up here and pick out your partner,"she said taking out a fish bowl from under her desk.

I glanced at it and made my eyeballs roll around.I hate her.I snarled at her and threw my head back.

Some girls giggled.

"Bryan,come and draw you're partner," Mrs.Rankel.Bryan walked over to the bowl and picked out a white piece of paper.

He slowly opened it."Elizabeth,"he called out.

"Alright,everyone once you get your partner go and sit with them,"She grumbled writing down them as partners.

Everyone went on like that happily chearing when they found out that they were paired up with their friend.

Finally the ass went up giving me a smirk.Before dipping his hand downwardly into the bowl.

He plucked a piece of paper out.Slowly opening it and crunching his eyebrows together.

"Jace,"I let out a loud huff.And turned quickly to Mrs.Rankel.

"Could I switch partners or do it alone?"This reminds me of 6th grade so much.

"I'm sorry Mr.Green,but you will be stuck with him,"she glanced up at me.

I slumped deeper into the chair.


I'm sorry it took time to update.Thanks for reading! if you have any ideas for the story I will appreciate and think of.



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