Chapter 17

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Dinner goes perfect as usual and soon enough everyone is saying good bye to each other and saying thank you to my mom for making dinner.

"See you soon, Jacey," my aunt hugs me before picking up an almost passed out Arabella.

I watch out the window as she places the sleeping beauty into the car seat, strapping her in before letting the automatic sliding door close and getting in on the other side.

Dan beeps the horn twice and we all wave, saying goodbye.

I turn around and head inside to get away from the cool crisp air.

I have school tomorrow and still have a couple things to do for homework before going to bed.

"I'm gonna do my homework and go to bed," I tell my parents who have just sat down to watch tv in the living room like they always do.

"Alright, Sweetie, good night," my mom blows me a kiss.

"Night, Kiddo," my dad says seconds after and I wave them off before running up the stairs.

I strip out of my clothes and put on a long t-shirt and sit in my bed.

Time to work on my Algebra two homework that I can't understand for my life.

After twenty minutes of trying to figure out the damn homework I give up and grab my IPad to FaceTime Bobbie.

"Hey girlfriend! Miss me already?" She smiles cheekily.

"Ha-ha you're so funny, but no I need help with the worst thing ever invented!" I exaggerate with throwing my hands in the air.

"You still don't understand the Algebra material," she tries to stifle her laugh, though it's obvious she's making fun of me.

"Don't be bitch, and explain it to me," I whine.

"Why don't you just ask Nixon?" She wiggles her eyebrows with a smirk.

"Umm...I don't want to bother him," I fumble.

Hunter is messing with my head and I can't seem to look at Nixon without thinking of him. It's irritating the hell out of me to say the least.

"Why would you be bothering him?" She asks confused.

"Well, you know guys, so bipolar," I say with a snort. "So you gonna help me or not?"

"I guess so," she says skeptically.

Nevertheless she starts going over everything I need her too and doesn't bring up Nixon.

Thank the lord.


I finish straightening my hair when I hear a car honk their horn from outside my window.

Looking out I see Bobbie's car sitting in the street right in front of my driveway.

My parents already went to work so I lock the front door on my way out and go around to the passenger side of the car.

Hopping in I greet Bobbie with a good morning and a smile which she happily returns.

"You seem happy," she compliments. I do? I don't feel happy, In fact I feel quite sad.

I can't figure out why I'm feeling these strange things towards Hunter and it kept me up almost all night. Not to mention the scary ass dream with Hunter in it.

I can't even explain it. You know when you know what your dream is about and who was in it, yet you can't put it into words? It's annoying as hell.

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