1. Chapter

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x Taylor's p.o.v x
"Taylor you didn't promises too much, it's amazing!" Laura smiled at me and took a sip of her red wine, then she turned around, because Kate started a conversation with her.
I had the idea to throw a house warming party and invited literally the whole crew. All those people I really like, I mean they are like my second family, but the only person I have eyes for is Laura. Her smile, that black hair she throws back when she laughs, it just is fascinating to me, how can this woman be so adorable. I always thought that I would be straight, damn it what happened to me? Some woman walks along and changes my whole (sexual) world?! But somehow I don't care about the fact that she is same sex, no it turns me on.
From behind Natasha hits my arm "What ya starring at Tay?"
"Nothing!" I reply, but a little bit too fast.
"Come on, I know you! It's Prepon isn't it?"
Man I am such a terrible liar, I wouldn't even believe myself "No, well actually yes! But it's... there is never going to happen anything, just my crazy brain that plays tricks on me!"
"Are you fucking kidding me? You're already undressing her with your eyes! Just a little reminder, every time she talks about you, Laura says "chemistry", chemistry in evvvvveeeerrryyy interview!"
Natasha looks at me with that Don't-you-even-try-to-lie face. I let out a sarcastic laugh "Even IF, I don't have a chance, no way. First of all I am not swedish, and second, not a man!"
"Let this be my part!"
She grins and makes her way through the crowded living room.
What is her part? What is my part? I don't know what's going on, what am I doing here, standing there like a statue, mouth open, eyebrows crimped.
I panic, but then I see Laura again, being all awesome. She looks so cute in those jeans shorts and that grey t-shirt, damn I just wanna rip them off her body.
"Are you okey? Tay tay?"
Her dark, calm voice brings me back to reality, I blink once or twice and nod "Of course, I'm fine. How are you doing, how does your date went yesterday?"
I love it when she calls me Tay Tay.
"Well, not that good, I didn't feel anything, he didn't turn me on, literally no man I met the last time, maybe I am turning gay" She laughed, maybe to hide the seriousness in that sentence "What about you, any hot boys?"
"No, same as you!"
We let out a loud laughter, then I look at her and grab her hand "There's something I need to show you" x
Hand in handy they walk out of the flat and up the fire stairs. Taylor climbs over a small fence and Laura follows, her eyes open wide up "Wow, this is even better than the huge terrace down there, why are you showing this secret spot to me? I mean only to me? Or do you bring all your girls up here?"
"No, this is something I show to you, because... because I think it's pretty, and because I don't want it to be crowded here!"
Taylor sat down on a outdoor sofa and Laura took place right next to her "It's getting colder, are there any blankets?"
"Next to you, the only one"
"Then lets share it!"
Laura wraps the gray blanket around Tays shoulder and rubs it warm with her hand. After some minutes Laura started to come closer, she couldn't stop looking at Taylor, but she acted like she wouldn't realize, all she did was looking at the stars and the big New York City lights.

So this was the first chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it, would make me happy if ❤️
Stay prepared for the next one. Ly

//Little bird//a laura prepon and taylor schilling fanfiction //Where stories live. Discover now