8. Chapter

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x Taylor's p.o.v x
It was early in the morning and Laura was still sleeping, which gave me a change to call Carrie.
I sneaked out of the bedroom, on to the balcony and switched my phone on. The sun was already shining so bright that it light up the whole city. My fingers got shaky as I tipped Carries number and held the phone against my ear.
"Hello? Taylor?" She said, and I needed to think about what to say, shit I should have thought about that before calling her, but now it was too late
"Hey... it's me. Carrie... I need to tell you something and please don't get angry." I took a deep breath and continued "I am breaking up with you, I just... I don't..."
She interrupted me
"Why did I see this coming!" I heard the anger and frustration in her voice "I never was your number 1, and you know what? Have fun with the girl you have now, I am pretty sure there is someone!"
I had no idea what to answer
"Carrie, I really don't want to hurt you, but it's ... I just can't pretend that I have feelings for you anymore, I did this way too long"
It got silent for what seemed like a minute when I heard her breathing out heavily
"What do you mean by pretend!?"
"Does this even matter anymore?"
"Ya, it does to me! Did you ever loved me?"
That was a really hard question. Of course I had feelings for her, but not that keep kind of feeling, that won't let you sleep at night, the one when you're going totally crazy and your mind can't do anything else than think about that one person, every second, and you don't ever want to be without the other one.
"That's complicated"
"It's not! Say yes or no!"
I inhaled deeply, it took me all my courage
"No, Carrie. I didn't love you"
Then I hung up.
I don't know how long I stood there afterwards, but after a while I heard the familiar raspy voice behind me
"What you did..." she hugged me from behind and kissed my neck "was brave... really brave"
I turned around, so I could look into her beautiful green eyes
"What do you mean by brave?"
"You're playing all in, I mean you believe in us, and that... that is something no one ever did before"
I never before thought about that, but when Laura said it, she was right, I go for broke, we go for broke x

They were leaning their foreheads together, Laura had her hands placed on Taylor's hips and smiled at her.
"Sooo Miss Schilling... what do you plan on eating for breakfast? Want me to order something special from the room service?"
Taylor smirked playfully
"Actually I want you!"
Then she lead her back from the balcony into the bedroom and got thrown on to the bed by Laura. She kissed her breasts and was about to get her cloth off when they heard someone knocking against the door. Their first idea was to ignore it, but it wouldn't stop. Obviously pissed Taylor rolled her eyes, got up and opened the door.
Without even asking for permission Uzo entered and closed the door behind her.

Taylor and Laura were in a trance, but it was like Uzo didn't even realize the raven haired on the bed.
"Taylor did you ever heard about that thing called an alarm!?"
"What?" Taylor was pulled out of her rigor.
"WE HAVE AN INTERVIEW TO GO TO IN 20 MINUTES!" Uzo almost yelled, but not in a mean way.
Laura started giggling, as silent as she could, but that was when Uzo realized that she was sitting on the bed.
"What the hell is Laura doing in your room?"
Taylor didn't know what to answer, so Laura saved them
"I'm just helping her with her outfit!"
Uzo shook her head
"See you in 10 minutes downstairs!"
Then she left.

Laura threw her shirt at Tay and both of them started to laugh, Uzo really believed them.

x Sorry this is shit and sorry for not uploading that long 😁 but I had a lot of stuff going on. I'll try to post weekly from now on x

//Little bird//a laura prepon and taylor schilling fanfiction //Where stories live. Discover now