5. Chapter

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x Laura's p.o.v x
Taylor placed her lips on mine, and it felt like a firework. First it was gentle, and soft, but it got more and more passionated as longer as it lasted. I grabbed her face and pulled her closer to mine. She moaned "What are we doing here?"
"Kissing?! Making out?" I really had no idea, but it felt so good. Actually being that close with the girl I was in love with, was what I wanted since we got here, well a long time before that tho.
But actually I didn't knew how far to go, I mean I couldn't fuck her.
I laid her down on the bed and stretched her hands up in the air, obviously she liked it, but I couldn't go that far, sometimes you have to take it slow, and I wanted to give Tay time to get used to the situation.
But I couldn't stop kissing her.
My hand slid up her thigh and up to her hip, which I grabbed and pressed to my body when she turned me around.
"What?" she said kissing my neck.
"Don't you want to take things slow?"
Taylor looked into my eyes "I mean, if you want to, I wouldn't have any problem with it! Laura... I really really really like you, I mean I have feelings for you, and as long as you're happy, I'm happy!"
I had to smile, and swept a wisp of hair out of her pretty face. Gently I placed a last kiss on her soft lips, wrapped my arms around her and she covered us with the blanket, but the most important thing to me in that moment was Taylor. She was so close, and I feel asleep with a smile on my face. x

x Taylor's p.o.v x
I woke up in the morning, because someone knocked at Laura's door, which didn't seem to disturb her. It took a while until I opened up, watching her distracted me, she was so wonderful.
Trying not to be too loud, I opened up the door, kinda shocked. A guy I didn't know smiled at me.
"Can I may help you?" I asked politely
"Mhh... Miss Prepon asked the service to wake her up at 8am for breakfast and her interview !"
"I'll tell here! Thank you"
Then I closed the door and walked back to the bed, seeing Laura slowly opening up her eyes. I kneed down and waited for her to finally wake up.
"Good morning" she mumbled and yawned "How did you sleep?"
"Very good, especially with you."
Then I laid down again, and we looked at each other for a while, when she smiled, god this was so adorable, and kissed me
"Come on we have to do our job now!"
"I'd rather have a morning snuggle with you, than going to that radio interview" she got up, and looked at her cell "How long you need to get ready?"
I thought about it for some second, I already had my outfit and I showered the day before "About 20 minutes?"
"Okey, same, I'll tell Uzo that we're going to meet at breakfast then!"
As I walked into my room I left the connection door open.

x 3rd person x
They had breakfast at Uzo's terrace, the sun was shining and we had a great view over Berlin.
"Oh my god pickles!" Laura was obviously happy about that "And gluten free bread, ha!"
Uzo bit her lip, instead of laughing "Is this the reason you're so happy?"
Laura coughed "Yeah, yeah of course!"

//Little bird//a laura prepon and taylor schilling fanfiction //Where stories live. Discover now