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x Taylor's p.o.v x
We arrived back at our hotel room at 2 am, and started to make out, when suddenly my phone rang. It was Carrie.
"Sorry I have to answer that one!"
Laura didn't want to let me go at first and pulled me back into the kiss.
"Stop it!" I laughed and pressed the green accept button.
"Hey Babe it's me just wanted to check on you! How are you doing, you didn't text me since you left, is everything okay?!"
While she was talking I looked at Laura, asking her for help with weird face expressions, which she replied with an asking hand move.
"Yeah, yeah I'm doing fine. Listen it's really late here in Berlin, I will call you tomorrow, we have to talk about something then!"
I heard Carrie inhaling deeply
"Well then good night, talk to you tomorrow" She said with a cold voice and hung up.
Laura sat up and rubbed my arm
"Hey are you okay?"
"Yes... yes. It's just, I don't want to be the bitch that breaks up per phone, you know?"
She nodded
"I totally understand you. I mean, you don't have to do it now, you can tell her face to face when we're back!"
It was cute of Laura, how she took care, but it definitely wasn't what I wanted
"Well then I'm the cheater!"
"You already are" She laughed, her gorgeous laugh, god how I love to see her laughing.
"I am serious. This between us, it... it's not just an affair, I wanna be with you, that's why I will do the right thing, break up with Carrie, and then be all yours!"
She smiled at me, turned me around by grabbing my hip, and threw me back on the bed.
Laura was laying on top of me now, kissing my neck
"God you're so fucking hot" she whispered into my ear and I let out a quiet moan.
It felt so good, and I just wanted her.
I pulled off her shirt and played with her bra strap. She slid her hand down on my thigh and opened my jeans button
"Are you okay with that?" Laura asked, a bit concerned. It was so cute.
"Totally" I grabbed her face and pulled her in for a kiss, then she finally took off my jeans and pants. I threw away her bra, and it landed on the tv
"Throwing skills!" Her deep voice was so seducing, she could say spaghetti, and I would melt. Out of nowhere I started laughing.
"Did I do something wrong?" Laura asked confused.
"No it's just that I am VERY ticklish!" I couldn't stop laughing.
"Oh you mean here?"
She kissed my neck, and I had to laugh again.
Laura started to suck on my tickle spot and I completely lost it.
Then, after some seconds, she started to kiss my breasts, my belly and then she disappeared under the blanket.

x Tomorrow I have my last exam, what means that I will have time to write again. Tbh it's the first time ever that I wrote a sex scene so don't blame me 😂 I'm always too scared to write one, because I don't want people to judge me bc of that. Whatever I'll update asap. If you like it, leave a comment or a ⭐️. Ly guys and thanks for 1k reads already 💕 x

//Little bird//a laura prepon and taylor schilling fanfiction //Where stories live. Discover now