6. Chapter

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x Uzo's p.o.v x
"I never had such an ... weird interviewer!" Laura rolled her eyes and started imitating "I'm here with TWO beautiful ladies. Dude we are three "
Taylor and I had to laugh, especially because she had such a funny voice.
We were waiting for the cab in front of the radio building as two teenage girls were screaming some meters away from us.
Laura looked at us "Wait for it"
"Wait for what?" Taylor asked confused.
I lifted my sunglasses "For them to come over!"
And I was wright, the two girls grabbed hands and some seconds later they were standing in front of us.
"Hello... he..ey." The brunette one stuttered
"We wanted to ask if you may would like to take a pic with us and maybe an autograph. My girlfriend and I are totally obsessed with oitnb!" her obviously more confident blonde girlfriend asked. Of course we said yes and both of them were damn happy. After they had left Taylor looked up to Laura "They probably just think you're hot!"
And I was confused. What was going on between the two of them. Taylor obviously was flirting. But hell yeah it's time for them to admit it.

x Taylor's p.o.v x
Uzo went to a gala in the evening and that's why Laura and I decided to go out for dinner. We couldn't eat at any fancy restaurant like "normal" people, we wanted privacy and not some paparazzi's taking photos of us, and we couldn't spend every evening at the hotel.
"We could search for a cute little bistro somewhere hidden in the streets" I proposed and sat down on her bed. Laura came out of the bathroom and gave me a kiss "I already have an idea, stay surprised. And now come on!"

I found myself sitting on a park bench with a hamburger, and my head leaned against Laura's shoulder "So is this... officially a date?" I asked, a bit insecure. There was so much going on in my mind, so much things I wanted to tell her, but it had time.
She took a sip of her cola and I felt her arm getting away from my hip "If you want it to! I mean to me it is!"
Laura pulled my face closer to her's and kissed me "Why do I have the feeling that there never was a friendship between the two of us?" she asked.
"Maybe because it wasn't. I felt for you, the moment I first met you. You have never been just a friend. And I don't believe in love in first sight, I really don't. But when I looked at you I knew that one day you would mean the world to me!" Forget what I said about 'it has time'. Damn I wanted her so badly, it was like I felt love for the first time. Dreamily I stared into her green eyes and waited for her saying something.
"Now I feel stupid for thinking that all I am is a friend. I'm always kinda scared when it comes to love. But for the first time in like forever I have the feeling of coming home, and honestly it's amazing, I feel safe when I am with you. And did anyone ever told you how beautiful you are on the in and outside!?"
"Not in that way" I was kinda paralyzed. And all that she is, is all that i'll ever need.

x Authors note : OKEY TOO ROMANTIC LETS THROW UP LMAO. But kinda like it tho 😂 x

//Little bird//a laura prepon and taylor schilling fanfiction //Where stories live. Discover now