A Spitting Image

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Raymond Reddington, the Concierge of Crime, more like Concerige of Crazy! I scoffed at myself, it's four in the morning and you're already thinking of that sick bastard. I groaned and got out of bed. My dark hair in knots even though I had put it in a braid the night before. After turning on the shower and instead of doing the potty dance waiting for it to get warm I went to go check the door. Nobody...I was always careful when it can to that, even though my name wasn't the same I still looked like that sick bastard, enough to make someone suspicious. I was pleased with the steam coming over the curtain to finally hop in. Wrapping the towel around my body I went back into my bedroom and grabbed some clothes. A blazer, button up, skinny jeans, converse, and a fedora. I never went anywhere without a hat if I could help it. You might be wondering, rolled up skinny jeans and a blazer? For me it works, I don't know how...The way I dress I can't stop it, even though I know he dresses like it. 29 and a spitting image of your fath- Nope not going to say it, Jennifer Reddington is a person of the past. I thought. Drying my hair my mind went back to my Mother. Wonder what she's doing right now? Probably happily married to Frank. Ugh, never liked him, that cheating scum. I adjusted my hat in the mirror and headed out to what you would call my "kitchen". A microwave, a sink, a mini refrigerator, and a crappy stove and oven. I've had worse, trust me. I grabbed two apples and my backpack and headed out the door. Taking the subway to Howard University I noticed someone in the corner. A man with a grey hoodie on. It was only us and three other people, not many people go to Howard where I live. The three got off at the next stop, living me with hoodie. I strode over to him and leaned up against the pole. "You staring at something?" I asked him. His blue eyes were dull, but in that moment they sparked up. "Well, aren't you  like your Daddy." He smirked. How? "I have no idea what you're talking about." I brushed him off .

"You know exactly Jenni, that smile, I saw you smirking the other minute, I can only imagine your personality and laugh. By god you dress like him too, well the blazer, button up, and fedora. A tip, leave that hat at home, you're recognizable then."

"I have no idea what you're talking 'bout." I say with a slight Phili accent. He smirks, "See the accent, proves you grew up there with your mom." I shook my head and chuckled, "Your mind games won't work on me. Don't even try." I warned him. "See there's the chuckle." He says, I sit across from him. "So? I still have no idea who we're about." I lied. "Oh Jennifer don't lie, lying is a sin, and with your father, I say you have enough sins in your life." The doors slide open "This is my stop." I sneer, "Psychology I see. Trying to figure out why Daddy left for a girl you hardly know?" I just stood there for a second. "The name's Jacob." He shoved a piece of paper in my hand and shooed me out the subway.

All through my classes I thought about the man with the blue eyes and a girl? That made no sense, for once I wanted to see him. "Ms. Shore! Is my lesson boring to you? Or would you rather teach the class?" The professor snapped. I tugged on the sleeves of my jacket trying to remain calm. "No ma'am, please continue." She turned back to the chalkboard and continued writing. For the rest of class I tried my hardest to focus I just....couldn't. Not without thinking about him.

I walked back toward my apartment only finding the same guy leaning against the door. "What the hell?"
He smiled, " How was class Gemma?" I glared. "Why do you care?" He shrugged his shoulders, "Red is connected to me, and so that means I'm connected to you." He moved closer caressing my cheek. "And do you know how much someone would pay for you?" I backed up. "You ever lay a hand on me, so help me god, I will make it rain fire on you." I threaten. "Oh really?"

"Don't...Give me a day, I'll know your favorite place to eat, where you live, your significant other's name. Just like that, don't mess with me." He chuckled, "You certainly are a spitting image of him.  You ever need anything, call me." He says referring to the piece of paper. He slid down the handlebar of the stairs, just like a child. "What...an...idiot." I mutter.

I drop my bag of and change clothes for work. Well, my least dangerous job. Putting my hair up in a ponytail I think about what he said. "Do you know how much someone would pay for you?" With that replaying in my mind I grab my Glock just incase.

"Hello, how can I help you?" I ask the next customer in line. A man with  short cropped blond hair, I notice his badge...A fed, just great. "Good, how are you?" I smile and nod, "Fine."

I see his eyebrows twitch inspecting my blue-green eyes. His hands are thrumming on the counter while I check out his groceries. Junkie, classic, they put you on meds so you can recover faster and instead, you get addicted. "You know you're a very observant kid." He commented. I raised my eyebrows, and a smirk crossed his face. Him, I raise my eyebrows like him. "I saw you checking out my badge, any reason you need to be alert for the government?" I try not to stiffen, instead I chuckle. "No I just like reading people, a major in psychology has gotten me to be observant." I explain. Lots of canned foods, probably buying for his work place. "Wait one sec, I forgot something." He says while racing off. He comes back with donuts. "Well you certainly are a classic cop."

"No, it's for a colleague of mine, who's not a cop." I finding the last of his food. "That'll be $78.48." I inform him. "So like a criminal informant?" He nods, "Here," he pulls out his card, "you'd make a good profiler, and even a field agent." I take it against my own will.

" Probably not, my Dad was int that line of work, I never saw him because of it." I see him stiffen, but with shock. "I see, just think about it...Gemma."

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