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"Guys come here!" Samar shouts over the clatter. Aram sprints over closely by her side. "I bet you 30 bucks that they'll be together." Liz leans over into Ressler's ear. I slightly bristle when she touches his hand.

"Chill." I mutter low enough so I can only hear. "Your on." He whispers back. I join them, "I'm with Liz."

He glares, "Fine, fine. But when I win-"

"What are you guys talking about?" Aram quipped. "Nothing."

"Look at this." Samar points to the screen. "I can't place it, but I know where it is."

"Philadelphia." I realize, he's targeting where I grew up. "Just where?" Keen ponders. "Zoom onto that sign. The red one, there."

"Um... Tyler and Fargo."

I swallow nervously. "I think I know where this is."

"Now the only problem is finding Red's daughter."


"When was the last time you saw your daughter?" Ressler asks. Liz and I are on the other side of the glass. "Seriously Donald. How is going-"

"Cut the bullshit! You want us to help you find her. So help us, Aram is freaking out, he practically almost broke down when we watched the video. So hurry up and open your goddamn mouth!" He growled.

Liz mutters in my ear, "Very demanding." She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. I slant my eyes, and punch her in the arm. "Please you shouldn't be talking. Red is so possessive of you."

She gasps, "Absolutely not!" She whisper-shouts.

"Well, aren't you rather demanding. I'm sure Gemma-"

"Shut the hell up!" He shouts. His voice lowers an octave."Why do you care?"

He shrugs and smiles, then waves towards the glass. "Isn't your boyfriend so attractive Gem?"

I lunged for the door. "Gemma." Liz pants trying to restrain me. I keep fighting against her feeble struggles.

He knew how to get to me!

"Agent Shore!" Cooper shouts coming to join us.

"Sorry sir. Excuse me." I mutter and run towards the bathroom.

I splash the water onto my face. "Relax, don't go back. Don't remember Phili, forget what he said." I mutter, trying to relax.

I grab the paper towels rapidly. With the scratching feeling still on my face I head back towards Don.

"Hey you okay?" Don asks. I look inside, Liz is asking him questions.

"I-I. I'm fine." I stutter. He wraps me in an embrace. "Ignore what he says. He's just trying to get to us, mostly you. It beats the hell 'outta me. But all I know is that he's a dic-"

Liz involuntarily coughs, "Work ethics..."

"Sorry." I mutter and pull away. "You'll get used to the ever infamous Raymond Reddington." She says.

"Don't wanna."

"Your turn to ask him questions." Don squeezes me hand. I nod with a new found confidence.

"Hello Red." I say with no emotion. "Why don't you look stunning. I'm sure Ressler would greatly like to find you alone in the elevator."

Instead of loosing control, I laugh. "And wouldn't you love to find Liz alone. " His eyes flicker over my face. Time to use this session to my advantage. "Why exactly did you give us this case?"

He shrugs and smiles innocently. "Was it to find her location. To find your little girl after all these years? Do you really think she'll forgive you? I mean after all you've done, becoming a monster, abandoning her and your wife, I mean ex-wife. Since Agent Keen is now your so-called lover... I bet she curses your existence, she left for a reason. She knew you would try to make it right. But we all know you can't and...You. Never.Ever....Will."

"Enough!" He shouts and jumps out of his chair. I smirk, still sitting with one leg over the other. "Well, well. Daddy misses his dead, little, girl."

He bristles, and his hands clench in anger. "Goddamnit J- Gemma Marie Shore!"

I raise my eyebrows. "Okay Hannibal the Cannibal that'll be all."

I strut out of the room smirking. I got him. Don starts applauding, then Aram and Samar join in. "Wow. I didn't even think of that." Liz comments smiling.

"Yeah. I'm full of tricks."


"Psychology trick." We answer in unison. "Ahhh." They all chorus. "Now, how do find her."

"Over dinner." Ressler says, dragging all of us out.

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