One Phone Call Can Change a Life

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"Earl Grey please." I tell the barista. They nod, "Name?" I glare seeing them staring at my shirt, "Gemma." She pushes the buttons on the register and tells me the cost. I walk to the table where my computer is set up. What's so wrong with the Red Socks? People these days. Okay let's see, this guy wants me to steal money from this major criminal. So this criminal is world wide. Perfect, bigger the criminal, bigger the pay.


"It's done." I say blankly. The other end of the line chuckled. "I'm afraid Denisov, isn't around to talk. Also you should know that I don't take kindly to you stealing 10 million dollars from me." The voice sounded somewhat familiar. No, no, no. I panic and hang up. It's him, after 25 years I heard him, he found me. Accidental or not. My phone rang again, nope not answering it. I put on a mask remaining calm, I go to a gas station and get a burner cell. "Hello?" A man's voice came through. "Jacob?" I ask. "What is it? Never mind where are you?" He inquired. "Meet me at 327 on Johnson Street." I rushed out. "See you there." He replied, the line went dead. Time slowed, the cars slowed down, the crying baby faded out, the construction was just a humming nose. I had spent almost all my life avoiding this, avoiding him. Now it's time, god this is going to be a living hell. I grab the straps on my backpack and sprint to the location.

"This?" Jacob gestured to the warehouse. I drop my backpack on the chair, "Don't say you've never done this before." I muttered, irritated. I bit the inside of my cheek looking for the keys to the escape vehicle just incase. "Reminds me of the times I was hiding from your dad." He reminisced. In a split second I had pulled out a switch blade and pressed it to his neck. "You ever mention him as my father, I won't hesitate to hurt you." I threatened, my voice going low. "Jennifer Reddington is a person of the past." I reminded him, the knife still pressed against his Adam's apple. Blood started to dribble down, I removed the knife, and raised my eyebrows as a reminder. He nodded, "Well...What did you call me for? It obviously has to be important." My tongue rolled around in my mouth trying to come up with words. "The theme is I found him, well he found me." I say, not giving away the details. He nods, pressing his fingers against his neck. "I see. Well...What do you want me to do?" What do I want him to do?!?! Well I want to know the best way to avoid this bastard. I pursed my lips, "What should I know about him?" He laughed, "I worked for the man, I wasn't friends with him." He says. "That's bullshit, tell me. Don't push me." I growl. His eyebrows furrow, "You pissed him off somehow. Exactly what did you do?" He questioned. I shrugged, " I didn't know it was him!" I argued. "You know he's possessive of his money." He informs me. I look at him giving him the 'of course I had to do that one thing' look. "Well you're screwed, unless he knows it's you." He says. "Yeah, figured." I snap. "I can make sure he stays away." He offers. "How?" I question. "I know someone he works with."  I raise my left brow, "Oh really now?" He glares, "Yes really." I smirk, mind games were always my favorite.

"So was it like a 1 night stand?" I tease. "No, and anyway you don't need to know." He says snapping. "Aww was "it" that bad?" I snicker. "Shut up." He roared. Perfect got him where I want him. I just smirk, "You know you're sorta cute when you're mad." I chortle. He shakes his head. "Let me deal with it, unless you want him to find out he killed his own kin." I rolled my eyes, "I'd love to see the look of surprise on his face." I mutter. He grabs my arm, "I'm serious, I know him well enough to know he would burn down the world to find you." I bite my lip trying not to cry, "I left for a reason! I knew he would come looking for me! Did you think I'd wanna leave my Mom? No, I just wanted to get away from all things connected to him. Oh and news flash Raymond Reddington can make any person; woman, man, child feel like the center of his universe. But it doesn't work on me! Ha the old bastard thinks he can fool everybody!" I scream. He pulls me into a hug, I writhe to get get free it's no use. 2 hours at the gym isn't enough, he laughs a little. "You know your sorta cute when your mad." He chortles. "But yes, if you have to know. I was married to her, at first it was just supposed to be just friends incase she needed to have someone." He explained in a quiet voice. "Then, when Red found out that I had gotten romantically involved, he fired me. I sought refuge in his enemy. The worst mistake in my life. Your fath-... Red came back and exposed me from the very beginning." He finished. "Wait! He works with the Feds?" I asked incredulously. He nodded and let go of me. "Does he happen to work with a man by the name of Donald Ressler?" I asked him. His eyes grew with worry. "How do you know him."

"I checked him out at the grocery store, and he gave me his card." I explained. "Well, I think we have an advantage." He smirked.

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