The Dreadful "End" (Part 1)

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Bzzzzz! Bzzzz!

I groan and flip over to my phone. 10am, shower, eat, go back to work.

"Morning sunshine." A figure quipped. "If you don't get out, you'll be getting a 3 millimeter bullet through your brain."

The footsteps died down and the door slammed. I reached into the drawers and just grabbed the first set of clothes I saw.

I jumped in the shower, I didn't realize how cold it was until I heard my teeth start chattering. Slamming the faucet off; I wrapped the towel around me. I dried to my hair as much as I could in five minutes, grabbed my gun, and a banana and locked the door.

"Morn Gemma." Jacob smiled. "Not in the mood. Do you want me to   deliver a message to lover girl?"

He huffed, "no... I'm trying to help with Kevin. I know how to find him."

"We do too. It's just the whole Jennifer thing."

"We can go, you and I. Shoot him down and rescue the nerd dude. Please, this will all be over."

"No, he's far to dangerous, I know him. He'll have the gates of hell waiting for us." I argued, ignoring him running after me. "Please." I heard his rapid footsteps behind me.

I started to sprint towards my car.

"Stop, goddamn Jennifer! I need you, Red, Aram, Liz, Samar, Ressler. We all need you, don't.-"

I slammed the car door. Put the keys in the ignition and sped off. "Rental cars do come in handy." I muttered swerving around other cars.


"Yes sir, I understand. But she's a traitor." A man whispered to Cooper. I started getting a queasy. I kept walking with my head held high.

"Morning Aram."

"M-M-morning." He stuttered, eyes darting around the room. "Don't worry I don't bite." I chuckled. "Y-y-yeah." He nervously laughed, his face growing with worry. "Something wrong?"

"No, just the case. Worried about the cases..."

Cases we only have one case.....

"Aram. We only have one case." A shock of realization hit me. I sprinted out of the war room trying to get out as fast as I could.

"Get her!" The man shouted. I sprinted harder. Zig zagging around people and hallways.

Elevator, could stop. Stairwell, caught.

Men's bathroom hall.

I bumped into a broad figure.
"Hey babe, what's going on?" Don asked.

I mentally shot myself, "I'll explain later." I promised. "Don. I really, really, really like you. Jut remember that " I kissed his temple then sprinted off.

"That's her! Get her!" I heard footsteps approaching rapidly. "Agent Ressler. Grab her." I looked back for a split second.

Don's face went from utterly confused, to agony, hatred, and desperation.

He stood there frozen not moving. Then men came and toppled over him lunging out to grab me.

I sprinted with all my might leaping over the racks of paper work. I took a left, then a right. I slowed down, I've never been this far.

And that's when I realized, they got me.

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