Just Think About It

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A/N: Some cuss words....

I groaned as my alarm blared, Saturday is gym day. I grab a tank top and shorts from my closet and slip them on silently. The scar on my shoulder catches my eye. Nope not gonna remember, I turn away and brush my hair.


Frank and his cheating self




Ryder and his big mouth


Tom Connolly, the piece of shit that ruined my life

Punch, Punch, Punch, Punch Punch

Raymond Reddington, my bastard jackass fath-

I stopped looking at my bare bleeding hands I finally started to feel the pain. Sometimes you bleed just to know you're alive...literally.

"Dang kid, you should seriously think about becoming a fed." Ressler says. I shrug, "What're you doing here?" I question. "It's a 24 hour gym, open to the public," he informs me. "To much of a coincidence, you give me your F.B.I card, then almost a week later you're at my gym."

"You must do that often," he comments. I nod as I grab the wrap from my bag and head out the doors, "Hey! Where are ya going?" I shake my head, "Ladies room, need to wash them out." I say ever so slightly annoyed. I come out 3 minutes later seeing him standing outside the door.

"What in the name of god do you want?" I sneer. "Just think about it." He refers to the card. I strut past him and out the door. "Come on please! We could really use you!" I scoff, "I'm not a tool, I can't just be used ever so often!"

"Look if you agree you just have to take a test, and if you pass you won't have to take the course. And my task force is a "special op" and has a major criminal informant." He explains enticingly.

"Fine!" I huff in annoyance. "I'll think about it." He smiles, "Thank you," he says.

"You become part of that task force you could definitely reunite with Red." Jacob says. "So?" I shrug, "It gets me answers."

"I can get you the same answers faster!" He urges, "Why do you care?" I snap. "Because I knew a person who did the exact same thing and it worked out to be shit!" He screamed.

"Your one night stand lady?" I growl menacingly. His blue orbs burn with hatred, "Don't...bring...her...up." He threatens. I smirk in satisfaction, "Stop." He advises me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"The smirking, eyebrows, and chuckle. Don't do 'em, I'd be obvious that you're related to him. Maybe die your hair, scratch that, Ress would notice. So Gemma, who was your high school sweetheart?"

I see where he was going with this, "his name was Leonardo, which of course he hated." I smirk, he smirks back, it's hilarious we're bipolar around each other. "No I'm pretty sure it was Leopold, since you went to that superb private technology boarding school in New York." He says.

"Ah yes, but Grant Warren was quite attractive, a little bit of an ass, but the school heartthrob, that I had wrapped around my finger."

"You do seem like quite the player, also maybe colored contacts. Maybe light light brown." He suggested. "Oh and I can't forget Sam, god she could solve anyone of those problems, always a homework tool." I laughed.

"See perfect call him up tomorrow, I'll get you everything you need." He smiles.

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