You'll Never Be In My Personal Life

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My mouth struggled not to drop, blue meeting blue. He gives a sad smile. I first start off shaking, my breath starting to tremble from my mind playing that over and over again.

"Just know I'll always love you." He picks up his coat and heads out the door.

He found me.

After all these years, I've failed.

Two months that's how long it's been. I strut into the P.O as usual, coming face to face with Aram

"Morning." He quipped. "And to you."

I took a seat on the table where his computer, "You want Cooper to see you?" He asks. I take an apple out of my bag and bite into it. "Won care." I mumble swinging my legs back and forth.

"Rather cheery mood today aren't we Gemma?" Keen says coming to stand next to us. "Keen, Shore." Ressler says flatly. "Reddington needs you outside. I roll my eyes and jump off keeping my apple in hand.

"He's in his Mercedes."

"So?" I shrug and continue eating. "And why does he need me?" This time Don shrugs. "Beats me."

I can see Keen is deep in thought so I decide to let her be. "Lizzie. Shore." He greets us. As I've come to know Dembe, takes my apple. I halfheartedly glare at him.

"I have a task, that only requires you two." He pauses carefully looking at both of us. "I need you two to pose as sisters, go in and fake that your brother has died," a smirk starts to grow on his face, "and steal something for me."

I snort, "Us? Really Reddington?" He sighs and squints at me. "I'm not joking Gemma." He stated flatly.

I nod slightly intrigued.

"Rylan Ellis, used to me a dear friend."-

"Used?" I quizzed. "Do you ever shut up?" Red snapped. "Red." Keen's tone have him no room to continue.

"He was killed by this man"- he showed us a picture. "Memorize that face he's your brother."

"I'm fine with it but, Shore has never.-"

"She'll be fine Lizzie. Won't you Gemma." He started to smirk. My stomach started to lurch. What does he know? "I can manage." With that I re-enter the building. I furrow my eyebrows at the rest of the team teasing Don. He's sort of cu-....No no no....N.O. I can't even possibly think that-

"Gemma?" Ressler comes up and asks. "I uh wanted to know if you, um wanted to-."

"She's busy." Red cuts in. He raises an eyebrow and drags me away.

"No dating. Especially Ressler, I could  set you up. You could do so much better Je-"

"No." I hissed. "Just no. I'm not accepting you, know that and let it sink in. Under no circumstances will you interfere with my personal life. You will always be in my work life." I shot in a low voice.

"Jenni. Please." I shook my head in disbelief. "No you please. I've tried so long to forget you and forget that god-awful name. I've made my life, and Ressler. What do you have against him? Know what never mind, I don't want to hear it from you." I say angrily.

His face and body posture says nothing, but his eyes show so much.

"Tell me what happened please. Let me help you." I see his hands reaching out to me. I take a step back, a reaction I've picked up.

"No, I..I can't you let me back into my life. Unless your taking care of me during work, forget it." I see his face and I almost start to break down. But I don't, I run out of the room to restroom.

Breathe, don't let it get to you. Push it to the deepest darkest park of your mind.

I let out a shaky breath waiting for someone to come in. Nobody did.

He'll never be back into your personal life promise yourself that. Do it! No, he's my -. Do it!

"He'll never come back into my personal life." I promise to myself quietly, oh how I was very wrong about that.

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