The Dreadful "End" (Part 2)

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My eyes dart everywhere trying to find a new route. I let the feeling sink in.

No more job, friends, safety, comfort, love, and no more Donald Ressler.

I hear the crisp click of the handcuffs.

"Jennifer Reddington; your under arrest for the murder of the senator of Guadalupe, hijacking the U.S government, murder of multiple civilians, and keeping information from the government about Raymond Reddington."

Something switches inside me, and I laugh. "That's all?" I shake my head, "You really are the stupidest country out there."

I'm complied to, well I'm practically Bering dragged down the hall by a bunch of G.I Joe action dolls. "Can you guys stop being melodramatic?" I asked sarcastically, ignoring the glares and the questioning stares from the employees.

They lead me down the hall, I almost stop in my tracks when I hear the familiar arrogant asshole's voice.

"Hello Lizzie, have you seen Gemma around. I'm afraid it's quite urgent."

"It's to late old man!" I shout. A man's hand clamps over my mouth.

Has he never heard of washing his gloves, or himself...?

I hear the rapid footsteps behind me.

"You have the ability to remain sil-"

"I'm a damn fed, I know this stuff kid." I sneered impatiently. He scurried off as they dragged me into the interrogation room.

I looked at the blacked out windows trying to scare the people outside. I finally laid my head down on the table.

They'll never hurt me.

I woke up to someone pouring a cup of cold water on me. I shot up, "Any nicer?"

"Sorry, protocol," the oh so familiar voice said sternly.

"Ressler." I returned flatly. "Shore, or should I call you Reddington." He growled, loosing his tie.

"I wouldn't dare try to beat it out of me. Or, is it because I fooled you? You came in here against your own will didn't you." I say smirking.

"I don't want to do this Red-"

"Don't. For the last 14 years of my life I've been Gemma Shore. J-Jennifer Reddington is dead. She has been dead since I was four." I retaliate.

"Ms.Shore, you have once classified yourself as Raymond Red-"


"Just get on with it Don. What are you gonna do? Lock me away in a box. To late someone's already done that to me. Beat me? Nope. Rape? No. I've been stranded in the middle of Sierra Leone with nothing, nada. You can't do anything to me that hasn't been done before."

Sorrow fills his eyes and gives a brief glance behind him.

"They're all out there aren't they?" I ask even though I know the answer. "No, but I think I should let you know that Reddington assigned us a case to find who stole 10 million dollars from him. And not to mention, you've stolen from the goddamn government." His voice getting an edge on the last sentence.

"You would have done the same." I snap justifying my actions.

"No. I wouldn't have. But I'm going to put you through something you haven't been before. It's the wrath of Raymond Reddington.

I let a cold laugh escape my lungs. "I'm not afraid of him, everyone knows he wouldn't lay a finger on me." I smirk in satisfaction when he realizes I'm right.

The door busts open, "Get her out of that chair." Red demands.

"Never." Ressler growls back. "A man has 7 hours to live, we have to hurry. We our the only ones who can fix this." Red reasons. "Red's right." Liz agrees.

Don bristles at everyone disagreeing with him. "Fine." He slams the keys down on the table.

Red launches for them being the first one to unlock the handcuffs. He pulls me up into a hug. I awkwardly hold my arms out to the side. "Let go Reddington."

He slowly backs up. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Reed Moore won't be."


"Alright team a will wrap around the south building, c and b will take the north side. Then d will take the east and e will take the west." Ressler commands.

"Let's go. Again do not shoot unless Little Reddington gives the signal." Samar reminds them.

"Don!" I call. He audibly groans and reluctantly turns around. "What?"

"I want you to know, that I never wanted this. I wanted you to find out, but I couldn't after everything we had said and done." I swallowed. "Just please be safe, I've lost to many people so far. I can't you loose you." I begged, my eyes started watering. "Don't cry. Sympathy won't work on me. And you too." He stalked off, shoulders square.

I sighed. Focus Jennifer, focus.

"I'm going in." I announced over the ear piece. "Okay ready when you are." Aram assured.

I calmly walked up to the door. I checked the surrounding blind spots. I opened the door, it opened outward.

"Well shit." I muttered. I slowly pulled out my gun, I sprinted in circling around. Nobody.

I tip-toed up the metal stairs. I turned the corner only to hear the click of a gun.

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