Why shadow, why must you come over me and create scars. I don't need anymore than I do. But why, why must you create the scars in which my future children will ask about. I'll have to tell them what happened.
What you have done. What you have done to create these scars. Those scars I kept hidden and never showed to other people, but will have to share in the future.
Why must you, in all happiness, scar me in the most horrible way. I have begged and begged for you to go away. All you give in return is more scars. You make leaving my house, and even my bed hard. When I actually have hopeful thoughts you push them away. "He'll never like you" "you are just a nuisance" "you would be better off dead"...
But you shadow that hovers above me, will never see me fall into your trap. I will live. When I'm older you will seace to exist. I will warn my future children, "never fall into his trap, for all he brings are scars". You shadow will fade, you will fade to nothing. You are a force I hope, not even my worst enimies, will cross paths with.
To all that also has a shadow above them. You are a warrior, and you can, and I repeat you can beat it. I believe in you.