Ch. 27 Presents and a Letter

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You could say that Ginny's favorite time of the year was Christmas.

Though she did like playing Quidditch in the backyard and swimming in the pond on sickeningly hot days, she loved the Christmastime most. Everyday there was a new corner to turn, another thing to do. And, as you probably know, Ginny Weasley liked to stay busy. Wether it was plotting against her best friend, prancing with the twins, or even helping her mum around the house, Christmas was always the busiest time of year. Most kids would complain the heck out of their parents if they were told to clean up around the house. But for Ginny, in a house full of stinky boys, helping her mum was like a getaway.

Second, there was the family. The rest of the year obviously consisted of the twins and Ginny going against Ron, now that Percy was practically glued to his books and locked in his room. Bill and Charlie always came over, bringing with them gifts from the foreign places they'd visited. It was always a blast to have all her brothers in one place.

Third, there was the presents. The Weasley's didn't have much money, but that made the time for presents even more special. She loved picking stuff out for her parents, gag items for the twins, and Quidditch posters for Ron. Percy was easy to please, as he usually just asked for silence or books.

And her present for Harry was even better. She just hoped he liked it.

Harry pretty much agreed with her. He loved the smell of freshly baked cookies that radiated from the Weasley's kitchen and he loved spending time with his family. He especially loved spending time with Ginny, though.

The entire Weasley clan (plus Hermione) and the Potters were sitting around the tree, opening presents when a tapping sound came from the window. Ginny, being the closest, reluctantly stood up and let in the owl. She untied the letter with nimble fingers and was on her way to her parents when she stopped, mid-step. She exchanged looks with Hermione before opening the letter.

As soon as she read the first line, she blurted "Oh great, it's him again" She exclaimed, rolling her eyes. She deliberately sat a few inches further from Harry than before and pretended to hide it from him.

"Who's him? What's his name? What does he want?" Harry asked, trying to see the letter. This brought his parents attention towards him again and the rest of the people in the room stopped what they were doing to listen.

"It's him 'Mione- aww and he got me a present" She ignored Harry's comment and pretended to blush, which wasn't hard as she was a good actress and was willing to think of anything to make her acting seem real.

"Who is it?" Harry asked again, crawling closer to Ginny and attempting to peek at the letter. James and Lily exchanged looks both knowing that this wouldn't go down well.

"Should I have gotten him something?" Ginny asked Hermione, pretending again to be a concerned, and conflicted, girl.

"Who are you talking about?" Charlie asked, furrowing his large eyebrows. Ginny grabbed Hermione's arm and attempted to clamp a hand over her mouth, but the girl got the point and practically shouted;

"Michael fancies Ginny"  She added a fake giggle afterwards and Ginny gave her an approving look, then pretended to be flustered.

"No! He doesn't! He's just a friend!" She insisted, folding up the letter. Harry made a grab for it, his face completely red and steam practically coming from his ears, but Ginny gave him a look. Harry sat back down, folding his arms and looking put-out.

"Wait! Someone fancies my baby sister?" Ron blundered, his ears turning red. Harry muttered something but everyone ignored him.

"Oh yeah!" Hermione exclaimed "He even asked her out"

"Which I said no!" Ginny added at her parents shocked and angry faces "I said we were too young, but maybe later. If someone didn't ask me first" James and Lily had looks of understanding on their faces as they looked at their son's shocked expression.

Everyone went silent, but that may have just been because Harry blocked everything else out. He puffed up his chest and exited the room quickly, his pride had taken a huge blow and he needed to calm down.

Ginny felt Harry's emotions and sent a reassuring wave towards him. Maybe he'd listen to her and ask her out next year, when she'd be allowed to 'court' as her parents had put it. Maybe.

She crumpled up the empty piece of paper and locked eyes with Lily Potter, who winked.


The rest of the school year went so quickly, that Harry almost thought he had another few weeks of school left. Even the summer was breezing past as he lounged on the dock at the Burrow with Ginny at his side. The sun was beating down on his face and he sighed, taking off his glasses for a moment because the glare of the sun had started blinding him.

Ginny looked up at him, taking his moment of defenselessness and snatching his glasses. She shoved them on her face and he laughed as she sat up, blinking and looking around.

"I am the great Harry Potter!" She said, mimicking his voice awfully. "And you will die now, bam bam bam!" She punched the air and he laughed harder, grabbing his glasses. She blinked again, rubbing her eyes.

The rest of the summer went much the same as the rest. But there was one thing.

The Quidditch World Cup

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