Ch. 54 Closets and Ferrets

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This ones kinda short, but thegoldenpuppy1 offered me a blue cupcake in exchange for the update. Soooooo..... Also hasn't been edited, so sorry for any mistakes!

Ginny was just casually walking down the hall when suddenly she was attacked by a flying boyfriend.

Harry practically tackled her, taking her hand and pulling her into a closet. Usually, she'd be embarrassed, but whatever was going on had to be important, so instead of teasing him, Ginny quietly waited while he put a locking charm on the door. Wandlessly, by the way, apparently he'd been practicing without her.

"Ginny, Hagrid wants me to meet him in the forest. He says it's about the tournament. Have you had any Visions about that?" Harry asked hopefully, pressing his back squarely against the walls and tapping his foot.

"Uh, no? Harry, is that all? I've got to get to the next class." Ginny laughed, reaching for the door handle. Harry stopped her hand and pouted, making Ginny feel slightly annoyed but also endeared.

"I missed you..." Remember how I said she was annoyed? Well, all of that dwindled away at his sheepish smile. Ginny chuckled slightly and wrapped her arms around his waist, letting him envelope her in his embrace. She'd missed him as well, since McGonagall could only do so much in the terms of class schedules. They'd not seen each other since lunch, which was two or three hours before.

"I missed you too, Harry, but if Ron finds out how you practically dragged me into a cupboard, it won't be good." Harry laughed lightly and kissed the top of her head. He wasn't as tall as Ron, which was good, but he was just tall enough to which it comfortable to be with him in the halls without it looking strange, but also for these small hugs and cuddles where she fit perfectly in his arms.

Of course, Ginny was gaining on him, growing taller as all Weasley women had. She was already almost taller than her mum, which she pointed out several times to the matron, but that wasn't exactly a big feat.

Soon enough, Harry had to let go of his favorite Weasley. Pressing a kiss to his lips, that made his heart stutter slightly, Ginny undid the locking charm and hurried to her next class, leaving Harry standing there with a cold feeling in his chest.


Harry thought he'd never see the lanky boy in front of him again, but there he was. Draco Malfoy, wearing a button that displayed POTTER STINKS to everyone in the halls. Now that Harry noticed it, he saw many more people were wearing the same buttons, even Seamus and Ron had ones on their chests.

Harry's blood was boiling, and faintly he felt Ginny's alarm as it seeped through the Bond, but he didn't care. He was angry at the blond boy in front of him. And so, with two large steps, Harry looked down on the slightly shorter boy with cold eyes. Again, it was a good thing that he was taller than most because of the maturing aspects of the Bond.

For a moment, Harry almost thought he saw fear in the Slytherin's eyes, but then he sneered and the arrogant aura around him deepened. "There he is. Potter the cheater."

"I didn't cheat. I didn't even put my name in the Goblet." In his subconscious, Harry felt Ginny hurry towards him, but otherwise there was no movement from the surrounding people. Like the whole school was holding its breath, waiting to see how fast it would take for Draco to be murdered. Harry knew one thing, he was sick of the boy's taunts and bullying, especially on the Muggle-Borns Half-Bloods and such.

"You like the buttons? I made them myself." Draco puffed his chest, probably hoping to make Harry even angrier, but Ginny was sending her Bond Mate calming emotions, which considerably helped.

"Not really. The yellow doesn't go well with my eyes." Harry pointed out, pointing at the buttons. Quickly, the image changed to Cedric Diggory, True Champion and Malfoy smirked, but Harry shoved his angry emotions down and replied haughtily.

"Least he got something right." Draco looked confused for a second, but just then Ginny rounded the hall and grabbed Harry's arm.

"The rodent bothering you?" She asked innocently, looking Draco up and down with wide eyes. "You do realize we could do something about that..." She trailed off and any color in Malfoy's face drained. Harry was slightly confused to why he'd be scared of Ginny, but then it clicked. He knows about the Bond.

Harry laughed, suddenly getting where Ginny was headed. He smirked. "Yeah, I suppose. Let's turn him into something, eh? Ferret maybe?" Harry and Ginny both turned at the same time and wiggled their fingers menacingly, narrowing their eyes. Draco looked frightened and practically shoved everyone out of his way as he ran. Ginny smirked, grabbing Harry's hand in triumph.

"Let's go on to dinner, Potter. And if I see anyone wearing those badges, let it be known that you'll be a hog for the rest of your life!" Harry had to bite his tongue so he wouldn't burst into guffaws as they watched people hurriedly throw away their buttons. Whoever scared Malfoy must be pretty powerful, they all thought.

With a smirk, Ginny grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him towards the Great Hall, reveling in the proud feeling running through the both of them.

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