Ch. 40 Kissing, Bleeding, Oh, and a Bunch of Persuasion

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Harry, for the first time, notices the downpour of rain that they've arrived in. Who could blame him though, he's just spent the past half an hour with Ginny Weasley on his lap, he's bound to zone out at some point.

Quickly, he shakes those thoughts out of his mind. He doesn't want to show up to meet Hermione and Ron with a red face.

Said red headed girl stomps off the train, arms crossed and huffing as she stares up at the sky. Her pouty expression had Harry grinning as he smugly pulls her trunk, something she had disliked. Though, he could tell she secretly enjoyed it.

"Put up your hood, you'll catch a cold. Then I'll have to spend an entire morning with you again." He grinned. She rolled her eyes, doing as he said.

"Wouldn't want that now would we?" She sent back smoothly. Her cheeks were giving away her embarrassment, as was her thoughts, and Harry laughed before kissing her pink face. He wasn't sure why he was being so confident when just a couple days ago he couldn't stop blushing whenever she said something, but he didn't exactly care.

They trudged towards the carriages, Ginny holding on to his arm. She wasn't being clingy or anything, it's just that she was afraid that they wouldn't get to see each other as much as she liked. But the fact that she had been bumped up a year was going to help. She shuddered to think of the pain they were in the year before, when the Bond was younger and they practically needed to be around each other 24/7, but were unable to.

Ron and Hermione were waiting in the carriage, and Ron immediately glared at Ginny's hand which rested on Harry's arm. Fred and George were debating different pranks, and sent Harry a playful glare before a thumbs up.

The Bonded climbed onto the carriage, ready to be able to go up to the Common Room and talk, perhaps about the Vision Ginny had, or maybe they'd be talking about the Bond. Harry hoped it wouldn't involve that much talking, but knew that it would.

When they finally settled, Ginny kept her hand in Harry's as she talked to Hermione, and her soulmate kept glancing towards a glowering Ron. The boy was practically scowling at the two's intwined fingers and Harry was sure he knew why.

They made it to the castle, slouching up towards the Great Hall. The Bonded was in high moods, as they always were because of each other, but Ginny still felt that sense of panic. Deep in Harry's own head he instinctively out an arm around his Bondmate, eyes scouring the area. Something was wrong... Terribly wrong.

They ate quickly, eager to go to the Common Room and talk over that dream Ginny had, but they were instead stopped by Ron, who shoved into Harry and almost made him fall into a Kidney Pie.

"Ron!" Ginny exclaimed, her eyes growing ferocious. Even Harry winced at the gaze Ron was under. But the boy just scoffed and left, stomping out of the hall.

"Come on Gin." Harry thought, eying Ron's back as he exited. Ginny looked furious.

"I think he knows." Harry agreed with her, taking her hand so she wouldn't do something rash. He glanced at his hand and winced as he watched a trickle of blood go down his hand. He had cut it on a steak knife from the table

"Harry!" Ginny grabbed his hand. Immediately, Harry felt relief. Gold was surrounding the cut and going inwards, leaving behind healed skin.

"Well, that's good to know." Harry glanced around, making sure no one saw the little show. "Let's go to the Common Room."

They did, and sat in front of the fire. Well, Ginny was half on Harry's lap as he lounged against the back of the sofa. Her legs were crossed over his.

"The dream, love." Harry edged, glancing towards Ginny, moving a piece of hair from her eyes.

"Right. Not much... Just... Some cloaked guys around a cauldron, in a graveyard."

"Anything else?"


She wrung her fingers, glancing around the room at the few sleeping wizards and wizards.

"Harry, we seriously need to tell Dumbledore about these new abilities."

She tapped her temple. Harry sighed, rubbing his green eyes then gazing at her.

"I know Gin, but we can't. I don't trust him..."

He pulled at his tie, exhausted. Ginny bit her lip and put her finger under his chin, turning his head so he was looking at her. She raised her eyebrows at him.

"C'mon, Harry. It would make me feel better to have him know..." She pouted. Harry sighed slightly.

She scooted closer and softly placed her lips onto his, holding his jaw with her fingertips. He put his hands on her waist, closing his eyes.

Harry brushed her hair out of her face softly. She pulled away, and grinned at his unfocused expression.

"Now will you tell Dumbledore?" She grinned. He cleared his throat, attempting a glare. But he couldn't glare at her, she was his weakness.

"You are evil, Weasley." Harry mumbled, taking hold of her hand again. She laughed, pecking him on the lips as she stood up.

"Oh, I know. Tell me when you make up your mind? Great! Goodnight." And she bolted towards the girl's dorms. Harry shook his head,

"Oh Gin, what am I going to do with you?"

She didn't respond.

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