Ch. 48 Kisses Under Trees and Dreams

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Another chapter!!! 😆
I've been getting better at staying on schedule, I'm happy to report! Hope you like this chapter, lots of fluff, and a tiny bit of angst (don't like writing about teenage angst, but I know lots of people like it, so...) Also, I've been reading Vampire academy, and two people in there have a Bond. I was wondering if you guys would hate me if I added one of their little 'abilities' to Harry and Ginny?

Harry and Ginny day by the lake every day on their break. Many times they were in different positions, the most common being Harry laying on his back with Ginny curled up next to him. Today they were sitting with their backs against the tree, out of direct sight from each other, but holding hands.

Ginny was reading silently, determined to get a O on the next test. Harry just sat watching the water and listening to her turn the pages. The sun was high in the sky, diluted slightly by the leaves above them. It was chilly, but their Bond kept them warm.

"Have you had any more dreams?" Harry asked, as was routine. Ginny paused, then flipped another page.

"No." She answered with a sigh, squeezing his hand. "But I've been feeling slightly apprehensive lately..." Harry rolled over so her was on his stomach, facing her. She glanced up at him, smiling slightly before turning back to her book.

"Gin, I'm worried about you... You've been feeling a lot more than just apprehensive." He stated, laying his head down. The tips of his hair brushed against her leg.

"I'm fine, Harry, I promise. Just a bit tired lately." She admitted, running her fingers through his hair. "You need a haircut." Harry noticed this quick subject change, but let it slide.

"You're not my mum." He groaned, flipping over onto his back. Ginny smiled slightly, but put her poker face back on quickly.

"No, I'm your girlfriend, and your Bondmate. You need a hair cut." She pressed a kiss to his forehead and he glared at her, rolling his eyes.

"You cut my hair, then." Harry retorted, staring at the sky. She scoffed, ruffling his hair slightly.

"Fine then, I will!" His eyes widened and he sat up quickly.

"What?" He asked, alarmed. Ginny smiled sweetly, kissing him before standing.

"I'll cut your hair, for Merlin's sake, it's too long." She held out her hand to pull him up.

"It's not too long, I don't want a haircut!" He gasped, scrambling after her. She smirked, satisfied that she'd teased him long enough.

"Well fine then, but you are going to cut it." Ginny paused on her way to the castle, turning around and kissing him slowly.

"Okay..." Harry murmured after she pulled away. Ginny grinned, grabbing his hand and pulling the two towards the castle.

"One last class and then we are free!"

"Until lunch."

"Right, until lunch."


Ginny decided she didn't like the Bouxbatons girls.

All they ever did was flirt and wink and act perfect. They were total nutters as well, she saw one literally cry over spilled milk once. Some were nice enough, but many annoyed her. Including the Delacour elder sister, she had caught Ron's eye and that was all he jabbered on about now. He never talked to the Bonded, but she knew he was starting to miss his friends.

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