Chapter 32-The Kolosov Brothers

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Chapter 32-The Kolosov Brothers

Miranda Barone's POV

I hummed under my breath as I poured myself a nice cup of coffee and turned around to see Mark scrutinising me. "What?" I questioned and tucked a curl behind my ear. "Hmmm, nothing. Just wondering why boss was in such a good mood lately. And now I know why." He smirks.

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay?" And I turned back to the making of my breakfast. It has been three days since Slade revealed everything to me and also the first time we had been together that intimately.

And ever since then, I've come to understand the man I love even more. I could never imagine that someone so cruel and horrible like Slade's father could even exist. No wonder Slade hated talking about his family. And I kinda felt guilty for always pushing him to tell me things about his past.

The thought of a young boy who saw the death of his mother and being trained cruelly and horribly at the hands of his own father made me tear up. I couldn't imagine Slade or even anyone surviving that.

No one deserved to have that sort of childhood.

"I mean like when boss stepped foot into work today, he had a smile on his face. Albeit a small one, it was a smile nonetheless. And seeing you with that giant ass lovebite on your neck, I can see why."

I frowned and stared at Mark incredulously. "What?"

He smirked at me, "I mean I should have known. Someone has been getting some. And by some I mean a lot of it." I flushed harder from his amused and cheeky knowing grin. "Shut up." I bit out before turning around to ignore him.

"Anyway, just to make sure. When you and boss ever have a kid, name it after me." Mark announced as he stole a sausage from my plate.

I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms before turning around. I gave Mark a confused expression. "I think it's a little too soon to be talking about that isn't it? And besides even if we have children and have a daughter, how can I call her Mark?"

Mark shrugged, "Sure why not? You can call her Markelina. But if it's a boy, you have to call him Mark Junior. Because I'm obviously the one and only Mark Senior."

I rolled my eyes, "Markelina? Call your own daughter that." I turned around and I scrambled my eggs.

"What's wrong with it? I'm serious. Markelina Kolosov. It fits." I turned back to him and shook my head. "You're kidding." I stated.

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