Unforgetable (A Robert Downey Jr Fanfiction)

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I was on my bed checking my instagram when I got a text from my best friend Diamond

"Ayyyee I'm outside! You ready 2 go to Starbucks?"  

I put on my vans that matched with my black skinny jeans and my red "Drink Coca Cola" shirt. I went downstairs and got into Diamonds White mustang. 

3 Minutes later we were at the small coffee shop. The waiter was a guy with brown hair fluffed up and a very straightly shaved beard/mustashe . He looked around the age of 25. He was wearing a grey shirt with a small name tag pinned into it that said "Robert Downey Jr."  

"What will be your order?" He asked with a deep manly voice. He added a smile to be more friendly. Diamond went first. "I want um a Large Vanilla Frappuchino with a cake pop. " I was staring at "Robert's" large muscular arms lost in my thoughts. "DANIELLE!!!!"  

"yesh?" I asked snapping out of my trance. "Robert" chuckled and Diamond looked annoyed. "Order . like now cuz theres a line!" I looked up at "Robert" and quckly gave him my order. "I just want a Medium Mocha Frappuchino." I said blushing. Probably because he started to tease me flexing his arms a little more everytime he would bend them. I rolled my eyes not directly at him but just enough so he could see me. But he just chuckled again. " Name on the Vanilla one?" He asked. 

"Diamond." Said Diamond. 

Aaannd for the mocha?" He said looking up at us. "Danielle." I said casually. He made sure to see who said which name and shortly after they were called. "Danielle and um Diamond?" He said. We both stood up and went to get our drinks. "How much is it ?" I asked. "Its free ." Said Robert not looking at us. He was too busy making other coffees. "No no its not so how much do we owe? " I asked again. "Its on me." He said turning around to face me. He gave a quick wink and a flashy smile. I rolled my eyes. I said thanks then turned around to see Diamond on the phone with her boyfriend Jake.  

" OhokayyeahddontworryI'llbetherein30." She said quickly then with a bye she hung up. She gave a loud sigh then said " Jakes car broke down in the mountains so I have to go pick him up. Like right now. He has his bike with him but the tires are flat so we have to take that too and theres no space for you to fit." She said sulking. "Hey dont worry about it . My house isnt that far and you know it! I can walk. Its not that bad. Now go pick him up before he calls you again." I said laughing she gave me a hug and was on her way. I decided to stay and drink my frappuchino . When I was done I looked out the window and to my freaking luck it was raining. Hard. People left and pretty soon it was just me and Robert in there. I decided I might as well leave now before its starts raining even harder. I was about to make a run for it when a voice behind me starteled me. "Dont even think about it ." Said Robert "And why not? " I asked the handsome guy. "Umm because to my 20/20 Vision eyes something big called rain is happening  

" He said sarcasticlly. "Im not blind. " I said laughing. "Lemme take you home." He said seriously."No thanks I think I'll be good walking." I said honestly. But boy he wouldnt take no for an answer. "No really lemme take you home. Its raining and I dont think you would like to walk it the rain and cold he said. I thought about it for a second then I agreed . "Ughh fine." I said. Mad because he didnt accept my No. He pulled an umbrella and motioned me to go under it with him. I hesitated then walked under it with him . 

••A min. later•• 

We aproached a red and gold Camaro and he unlocked and opend the door for me. I said thank you then he got in the car. I told him my adress and pretty soon we apeared at my apartments. "Thanks ." I said quietly. "Welcome." He said. I turned and looked at him. He was handing out a paper. He motioned for me to grab it and as soon as I did he was off. I looked at what the paper was and what it said.

"Picking you up tomorrow @ 7:00  


P.S Wear something nice."

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