Unforgetable (A Robert Downey Jr Fanfiction)

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It was 3:45 am in the morning whem my phone began to ring. Ghosts and Stuff was blaring out from my phone. I woke up and answered it. "Hello?" I sleeply said. Jake's voice franticly answered back. "Danielle Diamonds water broke she's gonna have the baby!!!" As soon as I heard that I was wide awake. I shook Robert slightly. "Honey Diamond's gonna have the baby we gotta go!" He woke up, pulled on some jeans and pulled on his favorite black sabbath shirt. I pulled on a loose shirt some of my maternity skinny jeans and one of Robert's hoodies. We went to his car and in less than 20 minutes we were at the hospital. When we got there Jake was sitting outside of the labor room. He turned and saw us. He jumped up " has Chandler been born yet? " I asked him. " No Diamond has to go into C-Section. Right now she's getting ready and in a minute or so imma get called into the surgery room so they can begin." He told us quickly . As soon as he finished saying that the doctor came out. " Mr. Firenze you can come in now to begin the process. " Jake gave me a hug and a large smile was pasted onto his face. He jogged into the room. " Honey do you realize that in just 2 months you're gonna be giving birth?" Robert asked excitedly. I gave him a smile and nodded.

** 45 Minutes Later ** 

Jake came out with a big smile and crying. " Chandler was born." He said calmly. Robert jumped up and I extended my hand out to see who would help me out of the both of them. The both took a hand and pulled me up. We went into the room where Diamond and little Chandler was. Diamond was on the bed and she was sleeping. I turned and saw the hospital crib. I waddled over to it and looked over it. There she was. Little baby girl Chandler Marie. She was so small. "So proud papa. Can I carry her?" I asked Jake quietly. He laughed and nodded his head. I picked her up and  I laied her on my tummy and cradled her. She stirred a little then opened her eyes. They were big and brown just like Diamond's she smiled and I saw these little dimples. She was so adoreable. " Honey look at her! She's the cutest thing ever!!!" Robert nodded. He hugged me from behind and laid his head on my shoulder while looking at Chandler. Soon this was going to be us. Soon. " When do you guys come home? " I asked Jake. " In 5 days. Since it was a C-Section the doctor wants Diamond to stay a little longer than usual. " He said tiredly. I looked at him. " Go home Jake. Get some rest. I'll stay here with Diamond and Chandler. And if Diamond wakes up and needs you I'll give you a call okay? He nodded tiredly. He stumbled out the door and I passed Chandler on to Robert and sat down next to sleeping Diamond in the hospital bed. I looked at Robert who was carrying baby Chandler rocking her back and forth. He was gonna be a great dad.

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