Rafta Rafta

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" I resign...right here....right now " is what Kalpi said to Raghav Singhania, but Raghav did not mutter anything, " Raghav... " Sammy said, but Raghav did not hear, he was too busy dealing with Kalpi, " Kalpi....aap room jao " Sammy said to Kalpi. " No sir...like I said I resign. I'm tired of this " Kalpi said as she handed the file to Sammy and walked out of the office. Raghav did not turn when Kalpi left,
" Raghav... " Sammy started, but Raghav just went to his room, Sammy looked at them both and shook his head.

Kalpi waited for the bus while checking her watch, " yeh bus kaha hai " Kalpi mumbled as she looked ahead. Just then a car stopped in front of her and brought down the window which showed Raghav on the passage seat and Sammy driving, " Kalpi...what are you doing here ? " Sammy asked politely, " waiting for the bus Sir " Kalpi smiled , " oh I we can drop you..since we are going the same direction " Sammy said, Kalpi looked at Raghav who had a frown on his face and was looking forward. Kalpi was just about to answer when someone called her name, Kalpi looked at who was calling and got a shock " Ranveer ? " Kalpi whispered. Ranveer Dutt was Kalpi's childhood friend who later migrated to London, " Sir..its ok...I have someone " Kalpi smiled and ran towards Ranveer, " Veer !!!!!!! " Kalpi yelled and ran to hug him. Raghav looked thought the car mirror and clenched his fist tightly until it turned white,
" well...that escalated fast " Sammy said and put the car into drive and drove off home.

" Oh my god...when did you get back ?? " Kalpi asked happily, " ummm last week " Ranveer said, " kiya !!! and you did not tell me !!! " Kalpi said as she playfully hut him, " I wanted to be a surprise " Ranveer said laughing. Kalpi stopped hitting him and laughed, " come on...let's take you home " Ranveer said as he slung his arm around her shoulder and walked her to his car. " so tell me...how is London ? " Kalpi asked as they were driving back, " cold...and stuffy " Ranveer said, Kalpi chuckled, " not so nice huh ? " Kalpi asked, " nah...not like Mumbai " Ranveer smiled, " are you the only one or did aunty and uncle come as well ? " Kalpi asked, " they came as well...it's been a long time " Ranveer said, Kalpi nodded. Soon after they reached the chawl. " home sweet home " Ranveer smiled, " yes home sweet home..chal " Kalpi said as she pulled his hand.

Later that night, Raghav came out of the bathroom and headed to his dressing table, there Raghav kept thinking of Kalpi, " what am I thinking ? " Raghav mumbled annoyed and looked up once again and found Kalpi sitting there....in his bedroom smiling. Raghav turned around, " thum..." Raghav asked in anger, but she kept smiling, " what are you doing here ? " Raghav asked as he walked towards her, Kalpi got up and " kyun...I can't be here ? " she asked, " no..how did you get in... ? " Raghav asked again, " I live here...did you forget that already ? " Sammy asked, and Raghav came out of his daze when he heard Sammy's voice, " are you ok ? " Sammy asked, " eh..yeah...yeah...just a headache " Raghav said and walked out of his room to the kitchen. " Raghav tu teek ho na ? " Samy asked again, " yeah...just a little stressed...I'm going to bed. Night " Raghav said and headed to his room. Inside Raghav kept thinking on what just happened " I could have sworn she was here...she looked real " Raghav thought.

Back at the chawl, Kalpi was having a great time with Ranveer and her parents, " are...Kalpi...Veer. Actually we have something to tell you " Kamala said, " Kiya hua aai ? saab teek hai ? " Kalpi asked worriedly, " saab teek ho beti " Vittal smiled, " you both may not know this, but for the past few months, we have been talking to your parents Veer. And we have come to accept that, we want you both to get married. " Kamala smiled. Kalpi's smiled immediately dropped, " shaadi ? hum ? Veer aur mein ? " Kalpi asked, " haan beti. You both grew up together and aunty and uncle already treat you like a daughter, so we thought it would be fitting to get you both married " Kamala said, " lekin aai...meri work ? " Kalpi asked worriedly, " that can be arrange after you are married " Kamala said happily. Kalpi and Ranveer looked at each other, " ummm...no offense Kamala-maa, but I think me and Kalpi should talk about this " Ranveer said, " oh sure...please do. And let us know your decision " Kamala said. Kalpi and Ranveer both nodded and stood.

They both walked up to the Mandir in silence and sat down in their own world. " so....." Ranveer said, " so ... " Kalpi replied. " Kalpi I know we are best friends...but to be honest, I don't mind this marriage. " Ranveer said, but Kalpi kept mum, " I promise if we were to ever get married, I'll let you to continue to work " Ranveer said. Kalpi smiled at him, " so what do you think ? " Ranveer asked, " do you want to do this ? " Ranveer asked, " promise me..if we were to ever change our mind, we will let each other know about it " Kalpi said extending her hand out, Ranveer looked at her hand and smiled " Promise " he replied and shook it, " well then....let's get married " Kalpi said happily, " let's get married " Ranveer replied.

After talking it out, Ranveer and Kalpi headed back to the chawl, " well...have you decided ? we don't want to push you or anything " Vittal said, Kalpi smiled " we have decided to get married " Ranveer said, " oh wonderful !!!!! " Kamala said happily and hugged Kalpi and Ranveer, " we should do the Roka first. I think.. in 2 days time . You think we can get everything ready ? " Kamala asked Vittal, " yes..I think we can " Vittal said happily, " woh...so fast ? " Kalpi asked, " its just an engagement beti...the wedding will be in 3 weeks time " Kamala said, Kalpi looked at Ranveer for help, " umm Kamala-ma isn't that a little fast ? " Ranveer said, " actually its your parents idea Veer. We wanted it to be by the end of the year, but you parents asked for it to be early because they need to get back to London soon " Vittal said, " what ? they never told me anything " Ranveer said, Kamala just shrugged her shoulder, " that's what they said " Kamala said, " you're ok with this Kalpi ? " Ranveer asked, Kalpi nodded and smiled " I'm good " Kalpi said, " ok then...Roka in 2 days tie...wedding in 3 week, man that's a lot of planning " Ranveer said scratching his head, " don't worry..." Kamala said happily. 

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