Tu Meri Entriyaan

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For the next few days, Kalpi has been observing Ranveer unusual behavior towards her and their parents. By the 3rd day, Kalpi could not take it anymore, she needed to know what was troubling him " Veer..I need to talk to you " Kalpi said pulling Ranveer aside from helping Vittal with the Sangeet decoration which is planned for next week, " sure " Ranveer smiled, " what's up ? " Ranveer asked, " I think I should be asking you that. Veer what's wrong ? you have been acting strangely for the past few days. " Kalpi asked, Ranveer looked around the chawl " Veer " Kalpi said again, " fine...yes, I have a problem " Ranveer said, " well what is it ? " Kalpi asked, " I can't tell you now. Come to the Mandir later at night and I'll tell you " Ranveer said and walked off leaving Kalpi there looking worried.

Later that night , Kalpi managed to sneak away to the Mandir to meet Ranveer. Kalpi made it there in and waited. 5 minutes later, Ranveer came to the Mandir with a girl, " Kalpi...meet Asha....my girlfriend " Ranveer said nervously. Kalpi got a shock, " girlfriend ? " Kalpi asked again and Ranveer nodded in guilt. After explaining everything to Kalpi, Ranveer waited for Kalpi's outburst but it never came, " so let me get this straight ? you guys are college sweethearts ? " Kalpi asked, and both of them nodded, " and yet you got engaged to me when you clearly still love her " Kalpi said, " I'm sorry Kalpi. That time, me and Asha broke up on what our friend said, so when mom and dad decided our wedding I just said yes. I thought I could move on, but when Asha called me and told me that she was in Mumbai, I just had to see her " Ranveer said guilty. Kalpi smiled, " I'm glad you told me Veer. But now we have to tell mom and dad " Kalpi said, " what no !!! Kalpi please. They will hate me " Ranveer said desperately, " no they won't. All we have to do is explain the situation to them. I'm sure they will understand " Kalpi said, " no they won't " Ranveer shook his head, " I know they will. We will tell them tomorrow. Bring Asha as well " Kalpi said, " but kaha ? " Ranveer asked, Kalpi smiled, " somewhere I know they can't bust out in anger. Here " Kalpi said showing the Mandir, " Mandir se ? " Ranveer asked and Kalpi nodded, " are you sure this will work ? " Ranveer asked, " yes...it will. " Kalpi said confidently.

The next day, Raghav was walking out of the restaurant after his business meeting when he spotted Ranveer....with another girl, being all sweet, " is that Ranveer ? Kalpi's fiancée ? " Sammy asked beside Raghav, " yeah " Ranghav said in anger, and started to walk towards them but got pulled back " where are you going ? " Sammy asked, " to take care of things. He can't do this to Kalpi " Raghav said in anger, his eyes never leaving Ranveer, " since when do you care ? " Sammy asked, " I don't " Raghav said, " then ? " Sammy asked, " but this is not fair towards her...let me go Sam " Raghav said trying to tugged his arm away from his grip, " and make a scene ? no get in the car Raghav. This is a problem between Kalpi and him...stop butting in " Sammy said in annoyance and pushed Raghav towards the car which was waiting for them. Raghav got in without once leaving is taking his eyes off them. Back home, Raghav kept pacing his hall with a bottle of Whiskey in his hand, " Rags....stop pacing. " Sammy sighed as he looked at Raghav, " this is wrong Sam....Kalpi should know about that cheating bastard " Raghav said in anger and drank a gulp from his bottle, " I know...but that is between them " Sammy said. Later that evening, Raghav could not get the image of Ranveer with that girl, kicking back his covers, Raghav went to his window and looked out. After some Raghav decided to take a ride to the park to clear his mind.

Kalpi decided to take a walk in the cool night air, she came to the park and sat down on one of the benches and looked up at the sky thinking on how to talk to her parents about this new situation. Raghav was riding his bike when he saw someone sitting near the park, getting close, Raghav found that is was Kalpi. Stopping his bike, Raghav got down and walked towards her. Kalpi was looking at her engagement ring, when she felt someone sit beside her, Kalpi rolled her eyes as she knew who it was, " fancy meeting you here " Raghav said cockily, Kalpi rolled her eyes once more and looked straight ahead and not at him. " Well congratulations on your wedding " Raghav said tightly after some time," Thanks " Kalpi replied curtly at him. They sat in silence again, until Kalpi could not take it anymore and decided to leave. Getting up Kalpi was about to walk when Raghav stooped " do you love him ? " Raghav asked in a strained voice, Kalpi turned around and looked at him " excuse me ? " Kalpi asked, " Ranveer...do you love him ? " Raghav asked again " what's is it to you ? " Kalpi challenge back, Raghav looked at her and got up and stood in front of her, " he's a fraud Kalpi...." Raghav said, " kiya ? " Kalpi asked, " I saw him today at the café with another girl in his arms " Raghav said in anger, " very funny " Kalpi chuckled, " is true !! " Raghav said in anger, " do you have proof ? " Kalpi asked sternly. Raghav remind mum, " I thought so...I appreciate your....how should I say.....honesty. But unless you show me proof...I don' believe you " Kalpi said, " its' true....you can ask Sammy " Raghav said trying to reason with her, Kalpi shook her head and chuckled " nice try..." Kalpi said walked off only to be pulled back by Raghav, " after all I told you...you are still gonna marry him ???!!! " Raghav asked in anger, Kalpi ripped herself from his grip " and like I said...until you have proof...I'm not gonna believe you. Good Night Mr. Singhania !! " Kalpi said and stormed from him leaving Raghav in anger and frustration.

Kalpi made it to the Mandir in time and saw that Ranveer and Asha were waiting for her. " hey.." Kalpi smiled, " hey..what took you so long ? " Ranveer asked, " got held up...but it's fine " Kalpi smiled, " where is everyone else ? " Kalpi asked, " they are on their way. Kalpi are you sure this gonna work ? " Ranveer asked again, " yes..." Kalpi smiled and patted Ranveer and Asha's hand in encouragement. Their parents came a few minutes later and was wondering what was happening " Kalpi beti ? yeh kiya hai ? " Kamala asked, " please sit " Kalpi as she gestured them to sit. Kalpi looked and Ranveer and looked back at their parents " Ranveer and I have decided not to get married " Kalpi said, " Kiya !!!!! " Vittal yelled,
" baba...please...Let me explain " Kalpi said. So for the next hour, Kalpi, Ranveer and Asha gave their explanation to Ranveer and Kalpi's parents. " and you kept this from us all this time ? " Vidya asked, and Ranveer nodded in guilt, " I'm sorry mom, dad, Kamala-maa, Vittal baba....I'm sorry " Ranveer bowed at them. " Aai...I know this is all a surprise to you...even to me when Veer told me. But I don't want to stand in their way of love. I know if we get married, we won't be happy. And I see Veer more as a friend / brother than a man " Kalpi said, " please aai...baba....uncle, aunty...I know you all wanted us to get married...but I feel, it's not my time.... " Kalpi said them. When they all kept quiet, Kalpi felt defeated, the plan did not work. After sometime, Ranveer's parents smiled at her, " Kalpi...we really don't know what to say ? your sacrificing your special day for them ? " Ravi asked, Kalpi smiled, " Love is something that can't be replaced. And I know Ranveer and Asha really love each other...I can see it " Kalpi smiled at them. " Beti..aapka maa baap kaha ? " Kamala asked, Asha looked at Ranveer for help, " Kamala-maa...Asha's parents died 5 years ago in a car crash " Ranveer said softly, " hai rabba..." Kamala said in shock, " that's why I was wondering if all of you agree to our marriage, that I would like you Kamala-maa and Vittal baba to be Asha's parents for the day ? " Ranveer asked, Vidya, Ravi, Vittal and Kamala smiled at Ranveer's request, " we would love to give her away " Vittal said to Ranveer, Kalpi felt happy, " so it's settled then Ranveer will wed Asha ? " Kamala ask, " but we gave out the weddings cards already " Vidya said worriedly, " aunty...its ok...I'm sure not everyone knows how I look ? " Kalpi chuckled, and Vidya nodded and Kalpi smiled. They talked for some time, getting to know more about Asha. The more they talked, the more Vidya, Ravi, Vittal and Kamala like her, " I can see why Veer fell for you " Vidya said to Asha and Asha blushed. Kalpi smiled at the reunion, Kalpi slipped out her engagement ring and gave it back to Ranveer, " no Kalpi..keep it " Ranveer said pushing the ring back to Kalpi, Kalpi shook her head, " no Veer...its' not right " Kalpi said and placed the ring on Ranveer's opened palm and smiled, Ranveer move closer and gave Kalpi a bear hug, " Thanks' Kalpi..." Ranveer smiled, and Kalpi nodded.

" I told you not to butt in Rags " Sammy sighed and rubbed his temples, " I don't care Sam. I can't believe she does not believe me...after all I have done for her !!!! " Raghav said in anger as he paced the hall like a lion stuck in a cage, " and what have you done for her ? " Sammy asked, "everything. I gave her a job...and.....everything " Raghav said flinging his hands in the air, " that is just one thing Rags. True you might have given her a job..but most of the time you were insulting her and disrespecting her. I don't see why she does not believe you after what you did " Sammy said. Raghav stopped and looked at Sammy, " I never insulted her...I just stated the facts to her " Raghav said, " in an insulting manner. That screams insult and disrespect for me " Sammy said sternly, " you know what...fine...let her get married...see if I care " Raghav yelled as he went to his room and bang his door shut. Sammy shook his head a chuckled, " let's see how long you can last ? " Sammy mumbled and gulped his Whiskey down.

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