Chapter 5 - I can't stop!

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Levi's P.O.V

I followed behind Eren up the smalls stairs that lead to the house's porch.
He stood in front of the door and opened his bag, taking his key out of it.
He opened the door and gestured me to walk in.

The house was even more beautiful inside.
The kitchen was connected to the living room. Everything in white and pastel colours, the walls had some blue and pink paintings. There's was a fireplace and a beige couch that looks soooooooo comfy!
The carpet floor is a beautiful shade of grey and the kitchen floor is decorated by some white wood planks.

"Levi. Oi, Levi!" I felt Eren touching my shoulder. "You've staring like that for like a minute."

"W-wha?" I blinked. "H-Huh I was just amazed by this place...."

"Oh really? It's not that good though..." I saw him blushing a little bit.

"It's definitly better than mine."

Silence fell over us for a few seconds until Eren broke the ice.

"Well... You can go pick your room if you want." He pointed at the hall. "There's two guest rooms at your right. My room and the bathroom are at your left. There's food in the fridge if you want, I'm sorry but I have to go finish my work at the caffé." He quickly ran to the door. "See you in a few hours then!"

He waved and closed the door.

"Yea... I guess."

I hear my stomach growl loudly.
I'm so hungry...
I haven't eaten a good meal in days...
I got my shoes and walk over to the kitchen. I open the fridge. It's full.

"Let's see... Eggs, bacon, milk, pizza's leftovers...."

So many stuff I didn't even knew what they were.

I ended up grabbing some ham and cheese and some bread for making a sandwich.

I glance over the kitchen knifes on top of the counter. I grab one to cut the bread in half and then add the cheese and ham.

I lift the sandwich up to my mouth but stopped and glanced over the kitchen knifes again.

No one's watching...
I put my sandwich down on top of a plate and grab the kitchen knife and run to the bathroom.
I put my arm over the white shining sink. Good thing the brats knows how to sharppen knifes, my razor was becoming dull.

I sunk the knife onto my upper arm, trying not to make a mess.

"Nngh!" I mumble in pain. Why is it hurting so much now? Why do I fell like crying now?

After a few more cuts on the arms I move onto the legs, tighs to be precise.
I start taking my pants off, a dificult job because of the pain I felt, making my hands tremble at every little movement I do.
I manage to take my pants off and without thinking twice I run the knife on my right tigh, making a neat, deep cut.

I bit my bottom lip in pain.
I drop the knife on the floor, my hands starting to feel numb. I fall on my knees and then onto the ground.
My legs not willing to stand up anymore.

A mop of blood starts forming on the floor, legs and arms hurting.
This didn't hurt at all back on my house...
Why? Why do I feel bad now...?
Why does it hurt so much now...?

Eren's P.O.V

"Bye Mikasa and Armin!" I say and go to my bike. Maybe I should tell them about Levi. I mean, they're my best friends. I'll tell them later, when the time is right.

I start my bike and begin my way back to home.

Soon Im back at home. I park my bike, walk to the door and take my keys out of my bag. Hah, yes, I had locked the door, so Levi couldn't go out and do anything... stupid.

"Levi, I'm home!" No one answers. "Levi?" This doesn't seem good. Where is he?

"Levi, where are you?" I check the living-room. Not there.

I check the kitchen. Not here either. "Oh no", I whisper and freeze. One knife is missing.

"Levi?!" Im really scared right now. I quickly run towards the bedrooms. "Levi, where the hell are you?!" He's not in the bedrooms either. What the hell is he doing?!

At door of the bathroom, I stop. What if he's d.... N-no! He can't be, I think and shake my head. Slowly I open the door. "L-levi", I say and brust in tears.

He's lying on the floor, hands covered in blood and cuts, a knife next to him. I fall on my knees next to him. I can see pain in his eyes trought my tears.

"Eren, you're not supposed to..." I didn't let him finish his sentence as I hugged him.


Guys, We're so sorry for taking this long >~<
This chapter took a lot of dedication from both of us ;-; it took us AGES to write
We're SO sorry ;-;

But It's better late than never.
Okay so bai *-*
Next chapter in a few days ;)

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