Chapter 6

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"What is it?" I asked eagerly. I was willing to try anything.
"I have a plan, but we need to get ourselves untied first. Meet in the middle of the room. We'll try there." Kyle and I both scooted off the bed. The guards were stupid enough not to chain us to the bed. I'm not complaining. I used my butt and my legs to scoot along the rug. Kyle was almost to me when I stopped. I turned to face him.
"What now?"
"I don't know. I didn't get that far."
"Okay. Um..... Press your back against mine." He scooted back until our backs touched. "Okay. Now, I'll try to untie the knots in your hands." I felt the knot with my hand, and I started to pick at it. I had gotten it a little loose, so I put my finger under the rope and started to wriggle my finger. The rope was starting to fall away. Kyle put his hand on mine.
      "I think I can get it from here." He wriggled his hands back and forth. And he tried to squeeze his hands out of the rope. I couldn't see him, but I thought he was making some progress. "I'm out!" He whisper shouted in triumph.
      "Great! Now untie me!" I started to scoot towards him. "Hurry!" Kyle started to untie my hands, wriggling his fingers under the rope and pulling it out.
       "Okay. It should be loose enough. Try to free yourself." I worked my hands around in circles, wriggling my hands until they finally came free. I messaged my raw wrists.
"Those things are tight! Geez! I wonder who tied them." I started to pick at the rope on my feet. "Try to untie your legs." Kyle nodded and started to tamper with the rope. He started to pull and stretch the rope. He looked like was struggling. I wanted to help, but I had to untie mine first. The rope around my ankles was tighter than the rope around my wrists. I moved my ankles back and forth. Side to side. I tried putting my finger under the knot. Nothing worked. I let out a huff of annoyance.
I put my hands at my sides. "I can't get it loose enough to work with. It's tied too tight. Whoever tied this knew what they were doing," I crawled closer to Kyle. "What are we going to do?" I questioned. I had no idea how to get out of this mess.
"I need to think about it." He stated while turning away from me. I sat on the carpeted ground, waiting. I was thinking too.
"Hey, Kyle." I squeaked. I didn't want to interrupt his thinking process
"Yeah?" He turned back around to face me. I hesitated. Should I ask him?
"How did you get here? You never told me." I stated.
"Well...... It's a little embarrassing.... But, I was following you." He said while hiding his face in his hands. I was really surprised. Why was he following me? And for how long? How did I not hear him in the quiet slums of downtown? This was really freaking me out. Was he planning on doing something to me?
"Why were you following me?" I asked him.
"Well, I was watching the street from my window. I live about four blocks down. No one knows I'm there. I live there alone. I saw you walking on the street, so, I decided to follow you. People don't come through here too often." He admitted to me.
"You never answered my question. Why were you following me?" I started to raise my voice. I was getting pretty angry.
"I.......I........I......was......." He started to stammer really badly.
"Spit it out already!" I whisper shouted at him.
"I was planning on........kidnapping you."

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