Chapter 11

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The sunlight burst through as the door was opened. The smile on my face returned as I felt the heat of the sun hot my face. I looked down the empty street with interest and confusion. Which way had I come in? It all looked the same. I turned towards Matthew.
    "Where are we going to go?" I asked him. He looked around at our surroundings. He pointed to his left.
    "That way. I know a place where we can go," He held his hand out to the left. "After you, Christina."
    I sighed. "I would really appreciate it if you called me Chrissy. And if you don't want to, then just don't say my name." Matthew smiled and nodded.
   "Fine. I'll consider your wish." I noticed that he didn't say my name. I guess he's not too fond of nicknames. I started to walk in the direction he suggested and looked behind me.
   "You coming?" I asked. I didn't wait for an answer. I'm turned back and started to speed up my walk. I heard the pounding of feet behind me. He ran up beside me. I turned towards him. Now that I wasn't fearing for my safety, I finally got a good look at Matthew. He had light brown skin that was almost like a hazel color. His hair was a dark brown shade. He had sparkling green eyes that had a blue tint to them. He flashed me a smile that nearly blinded me. His teeth were perfectly straight and white. He cocked his head at me.
   "Trying to get rid of me, huh? Well, I don't get lost that easily." He started to tease. I rolled my eyes.
    "You have some explaining to do. I would recommend that you start now." I tried to make my voice sound as hard and commanding as it possibly could. But it ended up sounding strange coming out of my mouth. I guess Matthew thought so to because he started to laugh.
    "What's so funny?!" I questioned angrily.
     "You sound ridiculous when you say stuff that way." He started to laugh again.
    "You better shut your big mouth or I will shut it for you!" This only caused him to laugh harder. I sighed and ran ahead of him, smiling as the distance between the two of us started to grow. What a jerk.
    "Wait up!" I heard a voice yell behind me. I kept running. If he wanted to talk, he would have to catch up. I looked back towards Matthew. He was gaining. Fast. He would catch up soon. This thought only made me quicken my pace. Suddenly, I felt a hand clamp on the back of my shirt and jerk me backwards. I stumbled and fell back. I was caught by a pair of strong arms. I quickly sprang out of them. I turned towards Matthew.
    "What was that for?! You didn't have to jerk me back and nearly cause me to crack my head open! Uggghhh! I've only known you for an hour and I already want to punch you in the face!"
I turned around so I was facing away from him. "Now, you need to explain who you are right now or I am leaving!"
I heard Matthew clear his throat behind me.
    "I at least owe you that. As you know, my name is Matthew Flynn. But what you don't know is that I am an undercover agent working on an investigation to put a male named Ron Snatcher behind bars. I believe that you know who he is." I nodded my head solemnly.
    "Sadly, I do. What does this have to do with me?" I questioned.
    "Ron has been doing this for decades. Stealing the souls of adolescents and youth and then selling them for a profit. He's good at what he does. He  somehow manages to lure them into his trap. And once you realize that you've been tricked, it's too late. I was sent to go undercover and expose Ron for all of his wrongdoings. The agency has tried this many times before with different agents, but they have all failed. He keeps tabs on all agents, undercover or not, who work for the agency. But, since I'm new, the people I work for figured that I was too new for him to be able to recognize me."
    I stood there, trying to comprehend what was just said to me. I spoke up soon after that.
   "And how do I play into all of this? It seems like you've got this under control."
   Matthew shook his head. "We can't arrest him until we can get evidence. And I couldn't collect the evidence without raising suspicion. But, I found you. You witnessed what happened. We can get a warrant for his arrest once I tell the other agents what happened. That's why I said that you couldn't go back down to save your friend. And I'm sorry about that. It's just that no one would benefit if you were turned into a mindless, emotionless, zombie." I bit my lip and looked away. He had a point. Dang it! I'm agreeing with the enemy! I closed my eyes and I had to think of how to respond to his reasoning.
    I turned back to face him and nodded my head. "I understand. And I'm sorry for  freaking out on you all those times. I didn't know," I explained. "We should get going. It looks that it's going to get dark soon. Where's that place that you were talking about?"
    He gave me a small smile. "Just a couple more blocks. Not too far," He walked in front of me and strolled down the street. "Are you coming or not?" I started to follow him down the street. He began to walk again, slowing his pace so I could catch up. I just hope that I didn't make a choice that I would end up regretting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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