Chapter 7

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I was speechless. Kyle was planning to kidnap me. But why? I was just a random person off the street. I breathed in slowly. I exhaled. "Why?" I questioned in a quiet voice. Kyle looked at me with the saddest expression I had ever seen on the face of a male.
"I was really lonely. I had no one. I thought that if maybe I had someone to talk to then I wouldn't feel like this," His lip started to quiver. "I have no one." A few tears started to fall down his cheeks. My heart ached for Kyle. I scooted over to him. I wrapped my arms around him. He put one arm over my shoulder and the other on my hand. He pulled me closer.
"Thank you." He whispered to me.
"No problem." I whispered back, smiling. Kyle was starting to grow on me. And I don't know why. I pulled his arm off my shoulder and scooted away.
"We should probably work on getting out of here." I told him. Kyle nodded.
"You're right. We need something sharp to cut the ropes with." I looked around. I spotted something that would work perfectly.
     "The lamp. We need to break the lamp and use one of the shards. That should be sharp enough." I was trying to be helpful and give ideas.
      He looked at me like I was an idiot. "That would be way too loud. It will draw attention right away. The two burly looking thugs are right outside our door. We can't make too much noise," He looked over at me at saw my sunken face. "Oh! It was a really good idea. Maybe we can figure out if we can do it quietly." He smiled at me. I gave him a shy smile back.
     "Yeah. Okay. So you have any ideas?" Kyle pointed towards the closet.
     "We should probably look in there first." I nodded and scooted over to the closet. I pulled out the doors and looked inside the dark closet. I crawled farther inside and searched the wall for a light switch. I felt a bump in the wall. I flicked it up and the lights came on. The room was empty and bare. I sighed. I was about to scoot out when I saw a slight crevice in the wall. I squinted and saw that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.
"Hey, um, Kyle, can you come in here please?" I heard Kyle sigh and the sound of him scooting over the carpet. I saw his face pop in.
"Yes?" He asked me. I beckoned him into the closet with a hand motion. He scooted in.
"Look at this." I pointed at the crevice. Kyle squinted.
"Yeah. A crack in the wall. What's the big deal?" He asked.
"I think it's a secret door. I see it all the time in the movies." I start the put my fingernails into the crevice in the wall.
"Nothing is going to happen. I'm leaving this closet right......." His last word was never spoken because the crevice started to widen. It widened until it was wide enough for a person to crawl through. Kyle was gaping at the opening in the wall. I smiled at him. I let out a satisfied "Hmph". I started to crawl through the small space.
Kyle caught my arm. "What are you doing? You don't know what's in there!"
I tore my arm from his grip. "I'm about to find out." I got down on all fours and crawled into the small space.
I heard a sigh and then clambering behind me. I knew Kyle was coming.
"Can you see anything?" Kyle whispered. I squinted.
"No. It's totally pi-" My head hit a metal surface. "Owwww!" I complained.
"Did you hit the end?" Kyle questioned. I felt the cool metal in front of me.
"I think so. I'll feel around." My hand brushed over the metal on two sides, but the other side was open space.
"We need to go right." I turned my body so my head was to the right. I started to scoot on my knees and propelled myself forward. My ankles were still tied together.
     "You coming?" I called behind me.
     "Yeah. Keep talking so I know where to go." I heard the sound of metal against skin getting closer.
     "Um, okay. I'm over here. Over here. Come to my voice. You're getting closer. Over here." I felt him beside me.
     "I'm here. We can keep going." He whispered to me. I crawled along the cold metal until I saw light at the end of the tunnel.
     "I think we're almost to the end. Keep going." I started to speed up, knowing that we were almost to the end. That we would find out where this tunnel leads. I get to the end in a matter of seconds.
     I turn behind me. "Are you there?" I hear a shuffling noise.
     "Yeah. I'm here." I turn back to face the light.
     "Let's go." I stepped through the opening and let my eyes adjust to the light. My eyes widened at the sight.
     "Look at this." Kyle steps out through the opening. His eyes widen like mine.
     "Oh my........"

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