The Voice

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Song for the Chapter: Out of My League by Fitz and the Tantrum


Camila Cabello trudged into Bongos Cafe for her afternoon shift. She was having a rather horrible day and decided to engulf herself in her work. Most importantly to forget about her not-so-lovely, love life. She pulled on her work uniform: a black apron that bore the cafe's logo, and a t-shirt that announced the slogan "¡Vive la Vida Bongo!" The apron accentuated her round ass and slim waist.  Her long hair fell in black luscious waves down her toned back. With every flip, her sultry scent graced the air.

The interior of the cafe was as familiar to Camila as her own home. She'd spent countless weekends and weeknights in these four walls. It was approaching the weekend, meaning the cafe would turn into a mini club. Some nights the environment was more festive than others. Usually the nights that they hired a DJ the ambiance turned into one where lascivious teenagers reveled in.

Tonight however, there was an aura of sophistication. Lauren Jauregui would be performing tonight. She'd periodically perform, mostly to the crowd's demand. She was not only a customer favorite, but also one of Camila's favorites. She enjoyed Lauren's performances more than the rowdy nights when hot, sweaty teenagers danced to mainstream hits.

Camila counted on Lauren's smooth rasp to ease her mind's troubles. She checked herself in to the work clock, and slid in behind the counter, ready to tend to people's orders. Her job was sort of like a bartender/ hostess. She greeted the customers as they approached the counter, where they'd either order a drink or simply sit and enjoy the live entertainment.

She originally worked as a waitress when she first started the job. But she'd quickly learned that was not for her. And as the weeks progressed she worked her way up to being stationed behind the bar. It helped her that Dinah's family owned the restaurant.

Lauren mounted the stage, and the customers that sat dining dropped their utensils and clapped enthusiastically. There was one male who whistled.

Lauren settled herself under the spotlight, and projected her rasp onto the microphone,"Testing testing, one two three." Appearing satisfied by the result, she smiled and relaxed down on her stool. She began strumming the opening chords to "If I Ain't Got You," by Alicia Keys. Camila instantly recognized it. It earned a few murmurs from the customers. Lauren sung the song's intro in an impeccable manner.

Goosebumps rose along Camila's skin as she listened to Lauren. She wondered what such a talented girl was doing at a cafe. Surely by now she'd have been noticed. A girl with such drive could make herself be noticed by anyone.

Then again, maybe she didn't want to be noticed. Bongos Cafe was the place where Lauren was known by the Miami public. This was her stage. There was nowhere she'd rather be.

Camila handed an older lady her Dr. Pepper, and quickly turned to continue watching Lauren. She didn't want to miss a thing.

She noticed the passion in Lauren's expressions, the fervor in which she sang. Her eyes, as alluring as her voice, bore into the the eyes of the customers who admired her from their tables.

Observing her now, Camila couldn't help but to be intimidated by her. Lauren represented someone who she could only hope to be. She was confident and beautiful.

Very beautiful, Camila realized. She possessed full pink lips that created the most lulling voice she had ever heard, long black hair that cascaded down her back, and green eyes that reminded her of a soft green pasture where she'd find peace.

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