V - Thalia - V

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I STALKED TOWARDS the helpless man as he continued to scramble back on the cement floor.

Hopelessness was a common thing that I noticed, it flickered in their eyes, their bodies flinched away when they saw me.

I could care less if they hoped to live or not, their death was my wish and my command.

I was ruthless, evil, sick, and cold, all of these things were said to me --and a few other lovely things-- every time we got in this situation.

The sound of heavy breathing brought me back to myself, my gaze met his. He was a decent man, in good shape, but fear had overtaken him, and I was the reason for that.

"Please, I can get it to you," he begged, "Please."

I smirked evilly, pulling out my black pistol and checking for the bullets I knew were already in there, "Any last words, honey?"

"You little bitch, got to h-"

The blood was sprayed on the ground, already seeping onto the ground from the nice hole in his head. I sighed, "Tell me something I don't know already."

I pulled out my butterfly knife, flipping it open, then I signed the tree with my signature T V. I grinned, pleased with my work, before turning on my heel and running off back towards the heart of the city. Ducking into an alley I pull out a duffle bag from a black trash bag behind a dumpster.

Slinging it over my head, I find a good grip on the fire escape ladder that hangs a foot above my head. Climbing up to the third floor I open the window, slipping in through as quietly as I can.

"You're back?" A voice calls from a room down the hallway.

"Yeah," I hollar back, throwing my bag on the couch.

I kick my shoes off, my black leggings and shirt coming off soon after. Unzipping my bag, I produce a little black dress and pull it on, "Hey, Gray, zip me?"

Grayson comes out from one of the rooms, shorts hanging low on his hips, six pack in plain sight for all to see. His dark hair is disheveled but he still smiles lazily at me, "Of course."

He sets one hand on my waist and slowly zips my dress up with tue other, his warm breath caressing my neck. The zipper is up but he keeps me there for a second longer before he spins me around to face him, "Just kiss me already."

I don't wait for him to find my lips, capturing his before he can mine. He smiles against my lips as he walks us to a wall, pressing me up against it. I pull away to breathe, whispering out breathlessly, "Make it convincing."

He grunts in agreement and moves down to my neck, sucking and biting on one spot, before kissing back up my jaw, kissing me once more before pulling away.

My bright red lipstick is smeared on his lips, his hair even messier than it was before if it was possible. A lopsided smile was on his face as he stared down at me, "You look good."

I catch my reflection in the body mirror across the room, my once curled hair is messy and loose, my lipstick is smeared and a nice hickey joins the party of noticeable features. I grin up at him, "You did good."

"I know I did," he replies hotly.

I snort and roll my eyes, gently pushing him away and walking to my bag to get my pair of strappy heels. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yep," he says, handing me my black handbag. "Night, Thalia."

"Night, Gray."

On the way up to the fifth level I quickly drank up my small canteen of vodka, making me just a bit tipsy. The doors opened soon later, letting me stumble out and towards the room at the end of the hallway. I struggled to put my key in the door and unlock it but succeeded soon later. I kicked the door shut behind me and threw myself on the couch, "You home, Thalia?"

"Yep," I yelled back. He walked into the living room and walked over to me with a glass of water in his hand, "Hey, Caaaaaaadeeeeeeeen."

"You need to stop getting drunk every night."

"I will," I said with a fake hiccup, "I even pinky promise."

I stuck my middle finger out at him and furrowed my eyebrows, looking up at him in disappointment, "I don't think that's the right finger."

He chuckled, taking my hand and switching my fingers until my pinky was pointing at him, then looping it with his own. "You know you'll never keep this promise."

"Yeah," I said with a small smile, rolling onto my side on the couch, "but we'll pretend I'm a good person."

My smile dropped at the irony.

"You're a good person," he says, moving a lock of hair away from my eyes, "but you're just having fun."

I shake my head, No, I'm really not.

Forcing myself to stand up I take my heels off and stumble into my room, unzipping my dress with ease (it's always been easier to take it off than it is on).

Ignoring the fact I probably reek of sweat and there's smeared makeup all over my face, I throw myself onto my bed. Wrapping myself up in the comforter and sighing before I shut my eyes and go to sleep.

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