V - Thalia - V

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MR. DRIER'S DEAD BODY sat limp on his overpriced leather office chair.

     My gun was still raised to his head, my head still angled to the side. Blood was streaming down the front of his dead face, the sound of the door clicking open made my heart jump.

     "Are you ready to go?" Gray asked from behind me.

     "One more thing," I said, pulling my knife out.

     I walked behind the desk, around the chair and to the center of the desk. Flipping my knife open, I carve my signature out on the wooden surface.


    I switch it closed, sticking it in my back pocket and smiling at Gray as he waits for me at the door. He grins back, pulling me by my waist and planting a soft kiss on my lips. We walk out, passing three dead security guards.

     "You know," he starts with a smile, "nights like these are the ones I think about a lot."

     "Nights like these are the ones I get to actually enjoy," I say back with a grin.

     "I know, I just brighten up your night so much."

     I laugh, slapping his arm, "You arrogant jerk."

     "An arrogant jerk you love."

     I kissed his cheek, "I can't lie."

     The ride home was peaceful, all the windows rolled down to let the crisp cold air in. I let my hair loose, sticking my head out of the window and letting out a happy yell, like I was cheering the leaving day for being so good.

     The thoughts of killing and cheating out people on a daily basis flew of of my head. It was just me and Gray, nothing could stop us from being bad.

     Not the police, not the feds, not The Hero.

     He was hunting down our lower guys, trimming the tree branches but not chopping the tree quite yet. Our ties were being severed. Our protection stretching itself out like a rubber band until we were sure if we stretched it out just a hint more we would snap.

     But we could snap, and it would be game over for us all.

     I looked over at Gray and frowned, the sight of him being pulled away from me, handcuffs roughly slapped onto his wrists. Him being pushed into a police car and being sent away where he would most likely die for helping me, The Villain.

     He caught my gaze and looked over at me, reaching over and moving the hair away from my face before looking back to the road. "What's wrong, Thalia?"

     I bowed my head, looking out then at the rearview mirror imagining if somehow they found the body and traced it to us, "Just thinking about the outcome of all of this."

     He frowns, locking our hands together and kissing my knuckles as he continued driving with flawless ease. "That day isn't now; we had a good night, got our target, you saw your dad, scared another client shitless," he says. "Spent your day with me."

     I roll my eyes and smile at him. "Yeah," I say, "it was a good night."

     He nods and turns on the music, singing along to it softly while I just rest my head on the door.

     We arrive at the apartments soon later, he parks his car in its spot and joins me as we take the elevator to his room so I can change into my 'work' clothes.

    I didn't bother staying any longer, saying a quick goodbye before going to the elevator. The doors opened up for me soon later, I went to our room door and pulled out my keys to unlock the door.

     Only to find it already opened a crack.

     Confusion swept over me, Caden never left the door open for any reason. But when I walked inside he was sitting there, slumped on the couch with a bottle of vodka in his hand, almost empty.

     I shut the door behind me, locking it, "Cade?"

     He didn't answer.

     "Caden?" I called again. "Are you okay?"


     When I walked towards him I could already tell he was right. His right eyebrow was cut open, a bruise not to far off. His jaw was swollen and bruised, every time he moved to make himself comfortable he winced.

     I dropped my purse on the floor and rushed over to him, sitting on the coffee table to get a better look at his face. His eyes were red, he reeked of sweat and alcohol, he looked horrible.

     "What happened?" I asked him.

     "Attacked," was all he said.

     I nodded my head, "Can you stand up so we can get you cleaned up?"

     "She shot her."

     I stopped moving.

     "What did you say?"


     "Cade, what are you saying?"

     He looked at me, something swirling in his eyes, for a second I thought he knew who I was but when he started leaning in I knew he didn't.

     Gently pushing him back I looked him in the eye, "Cade, can you try to stand up so I can help you. We can talk about this tomorrow."

     He nodded and struggled to get up, leaning most of his weight on me. We hobbled over to the bathroom just across the hall from his room, I sat him down on the toilet seat while I went to get the first aid kit. I pulled out a cloth from the cabinet, wetting it under the tap to start cleaning off his face.

     He winced a few times, when I went to clean the cloth he took a swig from the vodka like he thought I wouldn't see.

     I snatched it from him and took a drink myself, setting it as far away from us as I could. For several minutes I worked at cleaning him off, none of us saying a word to the other. Finally, I finished cleaning his face, and I needed to see what his back looked like, "I need to take your shirt off."

     He snorted, almost wincing, "Yes, ma'am."

     I rolled my eyes, a small smile creeping onto my lips at his drunk personality. Ignoring my thoughts, I reached to grab the hem of his shirt, pulling it swiftly over his head and forcing him to turn in the tiny bathroom.

     There weren't many bruises, but I knew he'd be as sore as hell tomorrow from how he acted about it earlier, "Well... your back looks okay."

     "Doesn't feel okay," was his smartass drunk reply.

     "Had it coming for you when you did... whatever it is you did," I said with a sigh. "Let's get you in bed, you won't be going anywhere with a hangover and a bad back."

     He grunted then winced.

     Once again he was leaning against me for support as I took him over to his room, laying him down on his bed until he looked comfortable enough.

     I planted a small kiss on his cut eyebrow, smiling down at him, "Good night, Cade."

     "Night, Thalia."

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