H - Caden - H

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THE DOOR OPENED suddenly, Maddie and I jumped in our seats. I looked at her, panic seeping into my bones as I thought of the scattered papers and laptop full of information on a bunch of criminals.

     Suddenly Maddie is pointing to oven, I shake my head but she's already gone to stuffing things in. I run over quietly, stuffing the laptop in just before she shuts it.

    I hear steps coming closer and closer until suddenly Maddie pulls me to her, almost smashing my lips on hers. She whispers, "We need to be doing something."

    "Like what?" I ask.

    She pulls me down roughly, smashing her lips onto mine just as I hear Thalia walk in.

    "Hey, Cade, have you see- woah, okay, I'll just go find my jacket myself. You two enjoy yourselves," she says.

    I pull myself off Maddie, wiping off my mouth quickly and going to find Thalia. She's in her room looking through her closet for --I'm assuming-- her jacket.

    "Did you find it?" I ask her.

    She reappears with a leather jacket in her hands, "Yeah." She truns to me with a teasing smile on her face, "So... you and Maddie, huh?"

    I look at her in confusion, "What?"

    "It's not like you guys were making out a minute ago or anything right?" Thalia says with a light laugh.

    "We were going to make cake."

    "I'm pretty sure there was more than cake making going on in there, probably should turn down the temperature of the oven because it was getting toasty in there."

    My ears burn in embarrassment, she just laughs.

    I scratch the back of my neck as she walks towards me, if she moved two more inches we would be touching.

    Just two more inches.

    But she stays parked right there, reaching up and tapping my cheek with her finger, "It's okay, Cade, my lips are sealed."

    I smile down at her, she moves to walk past me but I grab her elbow, "Hey, Thalia?"


    "Just so you know, Maddie and I aren't a thing."

    She smiles, "Of course."

    Then she's gone.

    I stare at where she stood in front of me. Those two inches felt like an ocean of space between us. An ocean I knew I was willing to swim across if it meant having her, if it meant calling her mine.

     A knock on the door knocked me back into consciousness, Maddie stood there leaning against the frame.

     "Ready to go crack these guys' asses?" She said with a grin.

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