V - Thalia - V

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I ALWAYS QUESTIONED myself when I wake up the next morning next to a new person. What were my motives to all the things I threw myself at? Was there a reason to drink my problems away when I knew they would be gone for only a few hours and I would be left with a pounding headache and a numbed heart the next day? Why couldn't I just let my father find someone else to do my job, exterminating dumb business men and occasionally women, getting rid of the betrayers?

Because you're an idiot blinded by your own selfish pain.

Sometimes you wish your consciousness wouldn't talk to you until you realize your consciousness is only yourself. Reminding you of what you've forgotten over the past few hours, days, weeks, years.

The movement of an arm on my now exposed waist broke me from my deep thoughts. The familiar scent of faint cologne behind me, I turned on the couch, praying I wouldn't fall flat on my ass again. As I successfully turned over I was met face to chest with none other then Caden.

The thought of the two of us smashed together on a couch almost had me voluntarily falling off.

I could feel myself blushing scarlet.

I never blush unless I just finished a run, if it's cold out, if I'm sunburned, or embarrassed.

Just happens to be the last of the four.

Oh my god, I'm embarrassed.

I groaned, wanting so badly just to cover my face up with my hands and sink into the couch cushions.

Unfortunately for me, my noise was loud enough to wake Caden up, "Hi."

His voice was tired, like he'd lost it over night, raspy.

It was hot.

"Hi," I said back.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, making no move to get off the couch.

I smiled, "Good."


We layed there in each other's arms for several more minutes, neither one of us talking to the other. I could have stayed there all day, just comfortably lying in his arms, summoning food with my brain powers that I lack. But despite that fact, I could have stayed there without a care who saw us. Yeah, maybe Gray would be a little upset, maybe pissed, but that was his problem. We weren't even dating, more of a... best friends with benefits.

Sounds accurate.

I didn't even know where my thoughts were going with all of this, the fantasies of Cade and I being together, doing something I had never done before.


I was nineteen, started my villainous life at fourteen, and when it started there wasn't anymore time to venture into that strange world. I didn't have a clue what it was like yet I could see everything playing in my head.

Dinners out, late movie nights, watching the sunset, waking up early to watch the sunrise as we cuddled on the small balcony. Me getting angry, him getting angry but trying to keep calm like he always is.

Being together didn't sound so bad after all.

The sudden urge to pee made me wiggle in his grasp, "I have to pee, Cade."


He wasn't moving.

"Caden, move."

He laughed, pulling his arm away from me and letting me run to the bathroom. When I finished and looked at myself in the mirror I almost laughed at my reflection. Blonde hair in a tangled mess, my eyes were crusty, my lips were chapped and my breath stunk.

I felt like a joke.

I ran a hand through my hair, calming down the tangles and knots, splashed water on my face several times and brushed my teeth quickly before stepping out.

"Took you long enough," Cade said.

I stuck my tongue out at him as I walked towards the kitchen to start breakfast, "Want some of my breakfast sandwiches?"

He sat up quickly, wincing but brushing it off with a smile, "I'll take five."

"Fatty. I don't think we even have enough bread for that anyways," I said, pulling out the few pieces if bread we had left.

He laughed, slowly making his way to a stool while I popped the toast in the toaster. I pulled out some bacon, eggs, ham, and cheese, along with some butter for the toast.

"So what are we doing today, Miss Diet?" I rolled my eyes as I turned the bacon strips.

"I don't know Mr. Fatty, what is there to do when you have the back of a eighty year old that slipped and fell?" I challenged with a smirk.

He grinned devilishly, rising from his seat slowly and making his way to me as I was buttering the toast. Suddenly he was caging me in, not touching me but close enough for the heat radiating off his body to warm me. My heart fluttered, my stomach clenched at the thoughts of all that could happen in the next few seconds.

One second.

Two. Three.

He leaned in, I leaned back teasingly, his eyes narrowed playfully. Then he leaned in fast and just pecked the edge of my mouth, walking back to his seat with a piece of bacon in his hand.

I licked my bottom lip quickly before biting down on it, swinging my hips just a little as I neared him. Resting my arms on the table two inches away from him I smiled, "You can make your own breakfast for being a tease if that's what you would like?"

He hummed, "Is this you showing interest in me, Thalia?"

I licked my lips, "Just trying to see if I can get you to come out of your shy shell."

"Sweetheart, you can't break me," he said with a smile.

He called me sweetheart for the first time. Oh my gosh what the hell am I doing to us? my brain screamed. He was being such a flirt and a tease and a challenge I didn't really know what to do, this was all weird and new to me--to us really.

What changed last night?

I searched my memories for something that might hint some change maker.

I shoved all of this out, smilng at him instead. "Or maybe I can, I just haven't tried yet," I breathed, eyeing his lips.

"I'd like to see you try though," he said back.

Such a flirt.

"Gladly," I said, parting my lips and tilting my head.

And just as I felt his lips brush mine the doorbell rang.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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